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1996 review, 02/14/97: (16K)
aids major national concern, 09/15/96: (6Kb)
animal research ad, 06/20/96: (1.3K)
arrests at white house doma protest, 09/13/96: (3.4K)
at dnc, 08/96: (1.3K, 10/9/1996)
breaking the deadly silence, 08/10/96: (5.9K)
challenges hollywood elite, 06/15/96: (4.1K)
clinton betrays servicemembers, 01/27/96: (4Kb)
clinton hit by own aids council, 07/08/96: (3Kb)
clinton war on medical marijuana use, 12/30/96: (5Kb)
consensus statement, 06/24/96: (4.3K)
demands peta dump smith, 12/09/96: (4.3K)
fed ruling against censorship, 12/22/96: (4.1K)
for peta, 06/19/96: (28K)
give clinton christmas jeer, 12/22/96: (2.3K)
leaks embargoed aids strategy, 12/15/96: (3.2K)
letter hands around white house, 09/24/96: (2.4K)
medical marijuana initiative, 12/05/96: (2.7K)
needle exchange saves lives, 07/06/96: (6.9K)
ohio campaign begins, 08/01/96: (4Kb)
open letter to peta, 12/13/96: (6.5K)
peta at pride, 05/28/96: (3.3K)
questions about ride money, 08/01/96: (3.4K)
quilt events schedules, 10/96: (1.4K, 12/17/1996)
seeks aids ride investigation, 08/01/96: (2.3K)
time magazine focus, 12/21/96: (3.4K)

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