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action alert military recruiters at columbia, 03/21/95: (2.6K)
antigay article army times, 04/02/95: (7Kb)
dont ask makes life worse than ever, 02/27/95: (11K)
fla gold coast glb vets honor thorne, 03/01/95: (1.6K)
helvey clemency hearing alert, 07/95: (1.6K, 7/12/1995)
heterosexual sailors punished for videotaping sex, 03/19/95: (648 bytes)
lift the ban new republic, 03/27/95: (7Kb)
navy allows poster for cdrom, 03/08/95: (2.8K)
navy bars publisher from using crest, 02/28/95: (3.6K)
navy nondiscrimination statement, 07/28/95: (2.3K)
petition military recruiter campus access act, 04/25/95: (3.2K)
some references, 10/14/95: (1.4K)
tracy thorne given medal, 03/01/95: (1.3K)
uconn mil recruiters face high ct, 10/24/95: (4.2K)
walmer discharge, 04/21/95: (2.4K)

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