Date: Thu, 2 Mar 1995 11:39:09 -0500 From: David B. O'Donnell To: Multiple recipients of list GLB-NEWS Subject: FL GCGLB Vets - Applaudes Navy Award [ Send all responses to TCCP00D@PRODIGY.COM only. Any responses to the list or list-owners will be returned to you. ] Please Freely Circulate and release to your local media. PRESS RELEASE CONTACT: KARL CLARK (305) 782-1095 DON'T ASK-TELL-PERSUIT NAVY LT.HONORED Wednesday, March 1st, Ft.Lauderdale. Karl Clark, President of the Florida Gold Coast GLB Vets announced his appreciation that the U.S. Navy has honored Lt.Tracy Thorne of Florida by presenting him their "medal of achievement" award. Clark, who also is the Executive Vice President of national AmFedVets, noted that "the time has long passed for our national leaders to credibly, honestly, and accountably address the irrational dismissal of qualified women and men from military service and duty to country on sexual orientation alone. Such hypocrisy subliminally promotes heterosexual promiscuous behavior and creates a wall of bigotry and hate that any God loving person understands violates of the Golden Rule." All veterans should be honored that individuals of the caliber of Thorne represent this great country. Their willingness to commit to the highest code of ethical honesty and dedication to country must never be rewarded by discharge and the continuation of the military witch-hunts sanctioned by the House and Senate.