Date: Tue, 21 Mar 1995 07:12:07 -0500 (EST) From: David Casti Subject: ACTION ALERT: ROTC at Columbia University Submitted by: Joshua Wayne Meyers About two weeks ago, the University Senate here at COlumbia was given the option to pass a bill that would require ALL recruiters (those who use the Center for Career Services) to abide by the University's non-discrimination policy. This bill was presented in an attempt to stop the military (who discriminate against beople based on sexual orientation) from recruiting on campus. At stake: $14 million of Department of Defense grants for the University. The Senate refused to pass the bill because they did not want to lose this money! The Senate essentially told the Department of Defense that they can dictate University policy AND discriminate in violation of our own policies for a fraction of a percent of the University's operating budget! The matter is further complicated by a bill pending in the US Congress which would deny ALL federal funding to schools who don't allow the military to recruit on campus. In Columbia's case, this could cost us $300 million in government money if we were to bar military recruiters from campus. HERE IS WHERE YOU CAN HELP! If several major universities ALL stand up against the military and adhere to their responsible anti-discrimination clauses, we can force the military to back down (they will be hurt at least as much as we will in lost research - we believe there is no way they can stop research at more than a few major University labs). We can also make a moral statement, reminding the military that it's policies are EXCLUSIONARY! Third, we can remind the government that WE, as universities, dictate our OWN policies. We have formed a coalition called the Coalition to Uphold The Anti-Discrimination Policy. We begin to fight our battle here, and we ask you to join us. WE HAVE THE ABILITY TO INFLUENCE NATIONAL POLICY! Apparently San Jose State University is undergoing a similar battle. Let's join together, because united we can win. Share this message with anyone you know who may be able to help. Talk to members of your own university Senate about passing a bill to bar the military from your campus. Write letters to the editor in support. Get lots of endorsements from campus groups. Call our LesBiGay Coalition at (212)854-1488 or E-mail me at, for more informaiton. And PASS THIS ON if you know anyone who would be interested. -Josh Member of the Committee To Uphold The Anti-Discrimination Policy