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aids 200000: (6.7K, 2/24/1992)
aids case in 1950, 01/15/92: (1.4K)
aids in the world, 12/1/92: (4.3K)
azt: (6.7K, 1/6/1992)
azt cheaper: (2.7K, 12/30/1992)
azt transcript: (34K, 2/19/1992)
clinton on world aids day: (1.8K, 1/2/1993)
hicn v5n4: (30K, 4/21/1992)
hivtestforinfants: (8.1K, 1/6/1992)
hiv women rnc, 7/15/92: (1.8K)
hrcf aids: (3.9K, 2/16/1992)
leave body on white house steps, 10/22/92: (1.8K)
mary fisher speech to RNC txt, 08/19/92: (11K)