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1992 democratic platform text: (56K, 8/27/1992)
1992 prez results: (5Kb, 11/9/1992)
1992 republican platform text: (190K, 10/7/1992)
achtenberg dnc: (3.8K, 8/4/1992)
bill clinton: (845 bytes, 12/5/1992)
buchanan: (5.4K, 2/27/1992)
buchanan RNC : (17K, 8/20/1992)
campaigns online: (2.3K, 8/27/1992)
candidates 92: (1.3K, 6/30/1992)
candidates gay record: (2Kb, 3/1/1992)
clinton, 5/19/92: (1.5K)
clinton bush states, 9/4/92: (13K)
clinton glb info: (5.3K, 4/2/1992)
jerry brown: (451 bytes, 4/2/1992)
mary fisher speech to RNC txt, 08/19/92: (11K)
perot: (119 bytes, 6/9/1992)
perot, 5/29/92: (4.5K)
perot, 7/10/92: (1.9K)
perot, 7/8/92: (7.9K)
perot, 7/9/92: (6.8K)
president elect address: (391 bytes, 12/2/1992)
prez candidates: (11K, 3/10/1992)
prez email: (520 bytes, 6/30/1992)
rnc houston convention speeches: (114K, 12/1/1992)
tsongas: (2.9K, 2/29/1992)

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