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achtenberg dnc, 08/03/92: (3.8K)
big10schools, 01/21/92: (1.4K)
bush antigay, 04/22/92: (2.4K)
bush quayle quotes, 08/16/92: (20K)
cabinet resumes, 12/11/92: (107K)
[campaign 92]
clarence thomas senators: (1.3K, 10/13/1992)
clarence thomas senators, 10/12/92: (1.3K)
cultural elite: (5.7K, 6/15/1992)
federal gay text, 05/07/92: (1.2K)
FEMA nyt 5 15 92: (8.3K, 5/15/1992)
FEMA nyt 5 19 92: (3.2K, 5/20/1992)
gao, 06/30/92: (540 bytes)
gao2, 08/03/92: (1Kb)
gays and the law, 10/20/92: (94K)
getting congressional bills, 05/21/92: (1.9K)
getting nondiscrim, 04/08/92: (934 bytes)
nea: (106 bytes, 6/6/1992)
nea, 06/05/92: (106 bytes)
new senate faxes: (1.6K, 12/6/1992)
new senate faxes, 12/05/92: (1.6K)
political anagrams, 08/20/92: (2.2K)
quayle quotes, 07/06/92: (9.4K)
sc privacy cases, 06/30/92: (5.7K)
senate women list: (827 bytes, 9/21/1992)
senate women list, 09/20/92: (827 bytes)
south american embassies: (3.1K, 6/7/1992)
south american embassies, 06/03/92: (3.1K)
studds frank address, 10/03/92: (937 bytes)
supreme court directory, 11/30/92: (3.1K)
supreme court on immigration, 05/03/92: (2.6K)

.up. to top of page.