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1993 hate crimes report: (5.8K, 7/17/1993)
about ngltf, 07/01/93: (4Kb)
activist alert, 5/93: (8.5K, 6/22/1993)
activist alert, 6/93: (9.3K, 6/22/1993)
activist alert, 7/93: (9.5K, 7/19/1993)
amnesty international: (2.9K, 7/4/1993)
antigay discrimination: (5.7K, 6/30/1993)
anti violence project: (46K, 7/19/1993)
applauds injunction, ngltf, 11/16/93: (1.1K)
campus project director ad: (2.9K, 7/29/1993)
campus project director named, ngltf, 10/14/93: (2.9K)
cincinatti injunction granted: (567 bytes, 11/19/1993)
civil disobedience, 7/20/93: (2.9K)
comments on colorado decision: (1.8K, 12/23/1993)
creating change 1993: (813 bytes, 6/30/1993)
creating change announce: (4.5K, 11/1/1993)
creating change transcript THIS WAY OUT: (7Kb, 12/14/1993)
digital queers msg: (3.1K, 1/22/1993)
dont ask dont tell dont believe it: (5.9K, 6/23/1993)
election results reaction, ngltf, 11/3/93: (2.4K)
fact sheet on hate crimes: (4.3K, 11/1/1993)
federal agency responds to ngltf letter: (6.5K, 12/10/1993)
fortune 1000 companies survey: (3.3K, 11/19/1993)
gay ban rules, 12/24/93: (2.6K)
ginsburg nomination, 6/14/93: (1.8K)
guinier, 6/8/93: (2Kb)
improving media skills: (9.3K, 11/2/1993)
justice dept plans ban appeal, ngltf, 10/25/93: (2.1K)
letter about meinhold: (2.1K, 11/1/1993)
letter to janet reno on sister spirit: (3.4K, 12/8/1993)
letter to senators on hate crimes: (2.4K, 11/1/1993)
lgb families: (5.6K, 6/30/1993)
lgb supportive orgs: (27K, 6/30/1993)
military, 2/17/93: (1.4K)
military ban replies: (12K, 6/23/1993)
military compromise, 5/27/93: (2.8K)
military rally, 7/14/93: (1.4K)
new ban policy response, 7/19/93: (1.7K)
nih genetic study, 7/14/93: (3.1K)
online election coverage, 10/21/93: (2.8K)
peri jude radecic named ngltf head, 9/13/93: (1.5K)
police relations and gays: (22K, 7/2/1993)
positions available: (1Kb, 10/11/1993)
public policy director ad: (2.4K, 11/1/1993)
reaction to military ban stay, ngltf, 10/29/93: (1.3K)
sister spirit crisis: (5Kb, 12/8/1993)
steffan v aspin comments: (1.1K, 11/19/1993)
university resources: (3.7K, 6/30/1993)
wisconsin v mitchell: (2.8K, 7/3/1993)
workplace lgb issues, 10/16/93: (9.5K)

.up. to top of page.