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amsterdam damron guide debuts, 01/22/98: (5.8K)
before i get aids, 05/09/98: (1.6K)
call for papers for new book on well of loneliness, 07/15/98: (2.4K)
calls for submissions for butch ftm anthology, 06/16/98: (3Kb)
interview subjects needed for new book on parents, 02/05/98: (2.4K)
koolaids and the accountability project, 05/22/98: (3.3K)
new novel by daniel curzon, 04/23/98: (1.2K)
out on fraternity row, 10/09/98: (5.8K)
publisher alleges truecrime author plagiarized erotic fiction, 02/11/98: (3.4K)
seattle spoken word artist torque releases chapbook, 04/29/98: (3.9K)
sociolegal control of homosexuality, 08/12/98: (1.4K)
submissions needed for youth autobiography project, 01/14/98: (1.4K)