Registration, Continued...
Housing Options (please check one)
_ Option 1 ~ Hotel
~ We have reserved a limited number of rooms at the Marriott (one
block from the church and a short walk from the Country Club Plaza shopping and entertainment
district) for a special rate of $89 US per night plus 13.45% tax. You may have up to four people to
a room at that rate. But you must make your reservation by Jan. 22nd. To do so, call the Marriott
directly at 800-810-3708 and tell them you are attending Interweave Convo 2003!
_ Option 2 ~ Shared Hotel
~ Some people may wish to share a hotel room with other people attending
Convo. Give us your e-mail address to share by Jan. 13th with the understanding that all addresses will be shared
with those indicating Shared Hotel on their registration. People may then contact others directly to make arrange-
ments. No e-mail addresses will be shared after Jan. 13th.
_ Option 3 ~ Homestay
~ We have a limited number of Homestays available. If you would like to stay in an
All Souls member's home, please check here and register soon!
To our valued Youth Registrants under the age of 18...
We look forward to having you attend with your parent or other adult sponsor who is also registered for
Convo. Please indicate who your sponsor is and have your parent sign below. Thanks!
My sponsor is__________________________________________________________
This is my parent
Parent, please read and sign
: I give my child permission to attend Convo in Kansas City, Missouri, Feb. 14-16,
2003. If I am not attending with my child, I give the above named adult permission to provide supervision of my
child and to make any emergency medical or legal decision on my behalf. I understand that the organizers/staff of
Convo 2003 will not provide supervision of youth attendees, and I agree to hold them and the Board of Interweave
Continental harmless from responsibility for my child.
Name__________________________________________ Home Phone_________________ D ate___________
Other emergency contact number (indicate where and whom)__________________________________________
Signature X________________________________________________________________________________
Thank you for Registering! We hope you have a great time at Convo 2003!