============================================= = INTERNATIONAL NEWS #288 - Nov 01, 1999 = ============================================= --> ONTARIO EQUALIZES HOMOSEXUALS Under the leadership of Conservative Premier Mike Harris, the Legislature of the Canadian province of Ontario amended 67 laws Oct. 25 to give gay and lesbian couples every right accorded common-law opposite-sex couples. The move followed a Supreme Court of Canada ruling last May that gave Ontario six months to treat gay and straight couples equally. The case, which declared the province's definition of 'spouse' unconstitutional, involved an alimony dispute between two lesbians. In the end, the Legislature did not redefine "spouse" but instead inserted the words "same-sex partner" into every relevant statute. In a very unusual move, no record was kept of how individual legislators voted. --> ONTARIO MAY INSTITUTE TRANNY EDUCATION An Oct. 24 report from the Canadian province of Ontario's human- rights commission urges the government to educate citizens on transvestites and transsexuals. "Coming out can trigger discrimination and mistreatment," said the report, entitled Toward a Commission Policy on Gender Identity. "For these reasons, public education about gender identity is crucial to both transgendered and non-transgendered people." The document says there are several myths that need to be eradicated, including: transsexualism is unnatural, failing to identify oneself as a transsexual is deceptive, male-to-female transsexuals are men until they have a sex-change operation, and transgendered people are part of the gay community. Ontario, population 11 million, has up to 458 transgendered males and 106 transgendered females, the report said. --> EURO CONFAB TARGETS EUROPEAN INSTITUTIONS A Europewide ban on anti-gay discrimination was the top priority of the 100 delegates who attended the 21st European Conference of the International Lesbian and Gay Association Oct. 21-24 in Pisa, Italy. The European Commission is expected to adopt a package of legislative measures this month aimed at implementing Article 13 of the European Union's Amsterdam Treaty, which calls for a ban on discrimination based on sexual orientation. However, the Commission proposals apply only to employment while ILGA supports extending protections to the areas of public accommodations, social security, sports and education. Further, ILGA said, Article 13 itself needs to be strengthened during the revision of EU treaties next year to give the European Parliament more power to determine the details of anti- discrimination laws. ILGA-Europe also elected a new board: Nico Beger of Germany, Adrian Coman of Romania, Isabelle Cruette of France, Tatjana Greif of Slovenia, Steffen Jensen of Denmark, Kurt Krickler of Austria, Jackie Lewis of the United Kingdom and Alberto Volpato of Italy. Next year's ILGA-Europe conference will be in Bucharest, Romania, hosted by the gay group ACCEPT. --> VIETNAM BANS HIV CARRIERS FROM SOME JOBS Vietnam's Labor Ministry banned HIV carriers from working in hotels, kindergartens, restaurants, health-care centers, beauty shops, vaccine-production labs and cosmetic-surgery facilities on Oct. 25. The ministry said there would be no mass-testing program but that people already known to be infected would have to leave their jobs. --> ISTANBUL POLICE TARGET TRANSVESTITES Baton-wielding police in Istanbul, Turkey, routinely chase transgendered prostitutes into a highway where they are being hit by cars, the Washington Post reported Oct. 25. The trannies ply their trade along the E-5 highway which links Istanbul and Ankara. "We know of at least four transvestites who died this year after police ran them onto the road," said activist Demet Demir. "There is a systematic campaign to wipe us out." The trannies moved to the E-5 after local Police Chief Suleyman Ulusoy launched a campaign against them in 1994 in the Bohemian Beyoglu neighborhood. Ulusoy's officers arbitrarily detained and beat the girls, cut their phone lines, and hacked down their apartment doors with axes, the Post said. --> ZIMBABWEAN GAYS SEEK CONSTITUTIONAL PROTECTION Members of the group Gays and Lesbians of Zimbabwe testified before the nation's Constitutional Commission Oct. 24 seeking a ban on discrimination based on sexual orientation in the country's new constitution. Some commissioners shouted "Satanists!" as the GALZ members spoke but Commission Chairman Justice Chidyusiku ruled that gays and lesbians were allowed to make their presentation. "What I want to say is that it is possible to be black, gay and Zimbabwean," testified Chesterfield Samba, 24. "People should stop equating us with Satanists as I heard some of you shouting. A sexual orientation clause should be included in the constitution not to make us a special group but as acknowledgement [that] we are discriminated against and live in fear of being victimized by society." --> ONTARIO CITY HAS OPENLY GAY DEPUTY MAYOR The deputy mayor of Richmond Hill, Ontario (located just north of Toronto with a population of 80,000) is an open lesbian, Xtra! reported Oct. 21. Janet Mabley, 44, told the paper: "I'm not perfect, but being out and being deputy mayor shows younger people that it's okay to be yourself. It's important to be out because there is nothing to be ashamed of. "I advise others to be true to yourself, to be honest with yourself. I'm much happier than I have been in years and years. It might be cliche, but there's nothing queer about loving someone." Mabley plans to run for mayor in November 2000. --> SAUDI PEDOPHILE BEHEADED A Saudi man who kidnapped and raped a four-year-old boy was beheaded Oct. 26 in the southwestern town of Abha, the official SPA news agency reported. Zafer bin Zafer al-Ahmari was the 93rd Saudi executed this year. The death penalty applies for murder, rape, drug trafficking, armed robbery and the renunciation of one's religious faith. -end-