Date: Thu, 05 Mar 1998 19:10:26 +0000 From: jgh Subject: Updates to OutRage! web site *** Updates to OutRage! web site *** 1) Letter to Home Affairs Select Committee, on legal discrimination. If the legal inequalities suffered by homosexuals were inflicted on black people, no one would have any hesitation in condemning that as apartheid. Homophobic discrimination is a form of sexual apartheid. It involves one law for heterosexuals and another for homosexuals. We are treated as second-class citizens, being denied many of the basic human rights that heterosexuals take for granted. This is intolerable in a supposedly civilised, democratic society. OutRage! has drafted a six-point programme for lesbian and gay law reform, which sets out our priorities. 1.The repeal of all gay-only sexual offences for which there is no heterosexual equivalent, and all crimes without victims --including the offences of buggery, gross indecency, procuring, soliciting-- and their replacement by a new sexual offences code that makes no distinction between male and female, heterosexual and homosexual. 2.A new Unmarried Partners Act, giving legal rights to all unwed couples, both gay and straight, including: legal recognition as next-of-kin; joint guardianship of any children; the inheritance of pensions, life insurance, and property on the death of a partner; and entitlement to company fringe benefits that extend to employees' spouses, such as health-care cover. 3.Equalisation of the age of consent at 14 for both heterosexual and homosexual relationships, to reduce the criminalisation of young people involved in consenting sex, and to remove the legal obstacles to earlier, more explicit and effective sex education in schools. The best way to safeguard young people's sexual welfare is by education and empowerment. 4.A comprehensive Equal Rights Act, prohibiting discrimination, harassment, and incitement to hatred on any grounds, including sexual orientation, gender identity, race, sex, religion, age, national or social origin, marital status, disability, and medical condition, (to protect people with HIV). 5.The replacement of Section 28 with new legislation, requiring schools to stamp out homophobic bullying in schools, to promote pupils' understanding and acceptance of gay people, and to ensure that AIDS awareness lessons encompass information about safer sex for lesbians and gay men. We envisage this initiative as part of a wider statutory obligation on schools to promote tolerance and combat all forms of prejudice and bullying, including on the basis of race, gender, disability, religion, and physical appearance. 6.An end to the ban on homosexuals in the armed forces, as part of a package of democratic reforms --such as the overhaul of the court-martial system-- to enhance the civil and human rights of all service personnel. See: ================================= 2) The pharmaceutical giant Merck has conceded that development of a potent protease inhibitor drug for the treatment of HIV was halted in 1989, after the company tested the drug on rats and dogs and they all died. See: ================================= 3) Was Jesus Gay? -- Missing Fragments from St. Mark's Gospel See: ================================= OutRage! is a broad based group of queers committed to radical, non-violent direct action and civil disobedience to: • ASSERT the diginity and human rights of queers; • FIGHT homophobia, discrimination and violence directed against us; • AFFIRM our right to sexual freedom, choice and self-determination. ================================= The above information may be posted in furtherance of the AIMS of OutRage! without any further formality. ================================= To be removed from this list, reply with a message "remove" to ================================= =================================