Date: Wed, 16 Feb 94 21:07 GMT+0200 From: Lewis Taylor Subject: Lesbian and Gay the Swedish Way The following is the text of a brochure produced by RFSL. The Swedish version was published a couple of months ago. The English version is at the printer at this moment. The brochure has many pictures, mostly photographs of gay men and lesbians living in Sweden. Unfortunately, you will have to do without the pictures for the time being.... =============================================================================== Page 1 LESBIAN & GAY THE SWEDISH WAY ============================== Page 2 Foreword The lives of lesbians and gay men look more or less like heterosexuals' lives. Daily life is the same, regardless of sexual orientation. Nevertheless there are a number of misconceptions about homosexuality. This booklet tries to answer the most common questions and concerns about homosexuality, for instance, what homosexuality is and how you can know if you are homosexual. But there are some areas where homosexuals' lives differ from heterosexuals' lives. These differences are mostly due to society's views. Sometimes the differences between lesbians and gay men are quite distinct. Actually, the differences between homo- and heterosexuals are fewer than the differences between men and women. Page 3 ============================== Text: Pia Lundahl Photos: Elisabeth Ohlson Graphics: Legio Production AB English translation: David Murphy ============================== Page 4 CONTENTS Homosexuality = Love 5 Can you tell who's homosexual? 6 How many homosexuals are there? 6 Sexuality isn't statistics 7 Being homosexual 7 Am I homosexual? 9 Coming out as homosexual 10 Meeting others 11 An invisible group 12 Lesbian settings 13 Gay men's lives challenge society 14 Older homosexuals 16 Young lesbians and gays 19 Homosexual parents 21 Homosexual immigrants 22 Is this the way it is? 23 Masculine - feminine 24 Gay men - lesbians 25 Then and now 26 White coats 28 Black cassocks 29 HIV 30 Men who have sex with men 31 What should I keep in mind? 31 RFSL 32 The homosexual movement's role in Swedish society 33 Where can I find out more? 34 This booklet was produced by RFSL, the Swedish Federation for Gay & Lesbian Rights, and can be ordered from RFSL, Box 350, S-101 26 Stockholm, Sweden. Telephone +46-8-736 02 13. ============================== page 5 Homosexuality = Love What do you think when you hear the word homosexuality? Most people, no doubt, think of "gay men and sex". And, of course, homosexuality is about sex. But not only about sex and not only about men. There are also women who are homosexual. They are lesbians. Regardless of which sex a person is interested in, there is in most people a capacity for love and sexuality, a capacity to love. By love we don't only mean sex and lust, but also the yearning for intimacy, affection and fellowship. In reality, neither homosexuality nor heterosexuality is more complicated than this. No one knows why anyone "becomes" homosexual. But that doesn't mean that we haven't tried to find out. Just the opposite. During the last hundred years or so a number of theories have been proposed. Each one has tried to find the answer to the riddle of why certain people are homosexual. The Church took an early interest in homosexuality but only in terms of sexual activity where sex between people of the same sex was considered a sin. It was not until the end of the last century, when medical science became interested in homosexuality, that the interest in the homosexual individual increased. Medical science's first theories assumed that homosexuality was an inherited disorder, a physical defect. But later, interest was focused on the psyche and then homosexuality was described as the result of psychological disturbances, mainly during childhood. It was first in the 1970s that completely new and generally positive ways of viewing homosexuality emerged. Psychologists and sexologists began to look upon homosexuality as a normal sexual variation. Today, ever increasing numbers of experts believe that homosexuality must be seen in terms of heredity, environment and positive choices. At the same time, an interest in homosexuality as a social phenomenon has also appeared. Social anthropologists, historians and other researchers have pointed out, among other things, how our view of homosexuality has changed over time and also the great differences between different cultures. ============================== Page 6 Can you tell who's homosexual? Most people never think that someone they meet can be homosexual. That means that most people assume that everyone is heterosexual. In addition, they think they have a clear picture of how homosexuals look: "All gay men are feminine and all lesbians are masculine". That's the general opinion, but that's not how it is in reality. Homosexuality cannot be seen on the surface. Gay men and lesbians look and act like other people do. But if a person's homosexuality should suddenly be visible, you would discover that you have met both lesbians and gay men without knowing it. Perhaps your mail carrier, your supermarket clerk, your child's teacher, your lcal politician or your favorite artist is homosexual. How many homosexuals are there? Many homosexuals realize when young that their infatuations and interests are directed towards people of their own sex. Others don't understand until later in life what the feelings mean. Maybe you're in a heterosexual relationship and have children and a family. It's actually quite difficult to determine the number of homosexuals. But it's estimated that between five and ten per cent of the population live as homosexuals or have homosexual feelings which they don't act upon because of social pressures. One of the problems in calculating the total number of homosexuals is that only sexual experiences have been considered. We know today that many homosexuals have never had sex with someone of the same sex, especially homosexual women. There are also people who have sex with people of the same sex but don't consider themselves to be homosexual. ============================== Page 7 Sexuality isn't statistics One reason that many people are threatened by homosexuality is the uncertainty about who is homosexual. Actually, you can never be absolutely certain about those closest to you or, worse, yourself. Most people have at one time or another asked what a look or a touch from someone of the same sex meant. But you might also have become confused by your own reactions and asked yourself, "Could I be homosexual?" Perhaps such thoughts are disturbing, since we assume that our identity and sexual orientation are unchanging characteristics. But it need not be so. Sexuality can be expressed differently during different periods in your life. Regardless of age, it's possible to move from heterosexuality to homo- or bisexuality, but also in the other direction. Being homosexual Being homosexual is like being invisible, and anyone who can't be seen doesn't exist either. When homosexuality is mentioned, it's often in the form of negative attitudes, stereotypes and prejudices. Often as gay jokes, "lesbian" porno films, or something strange and dangerous - threatening headlines about "HOMOSEX" on newsbills. Rarely are homosexuals' daily lives described: Work, shopping, fetching children at day care, or summer holidays. A life that is the same whether you're homo- or heterosexual. Invisibility means that most people's knowledge of lesbians' and gay men's lives is limited. But since more and more homosexuals are openly telling about their lives, the invisibility is being challenged. In time, negative attitudes will change. ============================== Page 8 - 9 Am I homosexual? One of the most common questions about homosexuality is how you know if you are lesbian or gay. There's really no answer to that question. Many people are aware of their homosexual feelings before they even know there's a word for them. Many young people are told that "it's just a phase" that they're going through. But often it's not a phase. Others have feelings that only later in life can be identified as homosexual. For some it's a love affair that helps them interpret their feelings. Others say it was their sexual desires that led them to understand. To a certain extent these experiences are related to gender. Males, more often than females, become aware of their homosexuality via their sexuality. At an early age they can have sexual fantasies or be attracted to other boys. Some boys who fantasize about having sex with other boys actually have sex in order to test their feelings. Most girls become aware of their homosexuality through a love affair and have usually had several close female friendships before they understand that it's love. ============================== Page 10 Coming out as homosexual Homosexuals talk about "coming out". It's an expression that deals with understanding and accepting your homosexual feelings and daring to make contact with others. But coming out also means telling those closest to you about your feelings. Experiences of coming out vary greatly. Some people say that it happened very quickly and that it felt as if all the puzzle pieces fell into place. For others it's been a long and difficult process, perhaps over several years - or even decades. Often these people have clearly understood what's going on long before they have accepted it and completely come out. Without a doubt, the circumstances around us influence how difficult it is to come out. Perhaps it's how old you are, where you live, or the environment in which you live or work. It also depends on whom you are as a person. Some people are ready to go their own way and aren't as afraid of how others will react. Others may have a greater need to be accepted and believe that it's not possible to live openly. Many people assume that the people around them will avoid them if they know they're homosexual. Sometimes there are negative reactions. But experience shows that it's just the opposite. Family, colleagues and friends not only accept you but also appreciate you for your honesty and courage and for standing up for whom you are. ============================== Page 11 Meeting others The first meeting with other homosexuals is often overwhelming. Going to a meeting place for homosexuals means that suddenly you meet many people who feel exactly like you do. And suddenly you're not alone. Before you get to know others it's often loneliness which is the most difficult part of being homosexual. You literally believe, "There's no one else who feels the way I do." Or you know that there are others, but you don't know how to find them. Sometimes lesbians and gay men describe this first contact with other homosexuals as "coming home". Perhaps it feels that way because you have finally met others with the same experiences, others you recognize as being like you and who understand what you're talking about. "Coming home" is really about meeting others who speak the same "language". ============================== Page 12 An invisible group Generally, when homosexuality is discussed, the discussion's really about gay men. Lesbian women are mostly ignored. But why are lesbians not as visible as gay men? Basically, it's because we live in a male-governed society. Women are less visible than men, whether they're homo- or heterosexual. Men's lives are given more space and seen as more interesting, whether they're homo- or heterosexual. But it also has to do with how sexuality is viewed. Women's sexual desires and satisfaction are seen as being totally dependent upon men. One example of this are the "lesbian" scenes in pornographic films for heterosexual men - scenes which aren't completely consummated until a man enters the picture. This view of sexuality makes it difficult for many people to imagine what two women could do "on their own". But no one questions whether gay men can have sex together. And since homosexuality is mostly associated with sex, gay men consequently receive more attention. Lesbian women have been more visible the last few years. Well-known women have "come out" in the mass media and lesbians' decision to have children has drawn attention. We more frequently speak of both men and women now in connection with homosexuality. ============================== Page 13 Lesbian settings The images which exist of lesbian women are often stereotyped. At the beginning of the century, a lesbian woman was portrayed as an older, often more experienced and cunning woman. Usually she was a teacher at a girls school where she calculatingly tried to seduce young, innocent girls. In the 1970s there emerged the image of the manly, short- haired lesbian who had a strong aversion to men and was active in the new women's movement. Above all, these distorted images are meant to function as a frightening warning. But they can also be seen as a defense of the traditional woman's role. The girls school teacher was a threat to this role by being both single and financially independent. And the same goes for "the feminist" who manages without men. But is there something that "rings true" in these distortions? Yes, the settings. Lesbian women have at different times sought out settings where there are only women. It can be a girls school, the women's movement, the military, the Girl Scouts or an athletic team. In such environments women - regardless of sexual orientation-have found fellowship, friendship and intimacy. But there have been clubs and associations which have addressed themselves to lesbians. One of the first in Sweden was Diana, founded in the 1950s. ============================== Page 14 - 15 Gay men's lives challenge society Being more visible than lesbians doesn't mean that gay men's lives are easier. On the contrary, the connection between visibility and prejudices is quite evident where gay men are concerned. Perhaps it takes the form of "queer-bashing" - gangs who show up where homosexuals meet just to scare and hurt them. Gay men have always been depicted as the enemy - particularly their sexuality. From time to time the fear of male homosexuality has been reflected in long and intensive public debates. There have been political scandals - in the 1950s and 1980s, for example - where homosexuality has played a central role. Resistance to male and female homosexuality is based on the same assumptions. Homosexual men and women, merely by existing, challenge gender roles, the traditional nuclear family and the heterosexual monopoly on love and relationships. A part of gay men's culture obviously centers around sexuality. All over the world there are parks, public restrooms, and porno theaters, for example, where homosexual men can meet for sexual contacts. But there is also a bar and disco culture where men can meet socially and establish contacts for longer relationships. Society, over the years, has tried to regulate homosexual men's sexuality in different ways. In the 1950s this took the form of police raids of parties where homosexuals met. Nowadays the same fear is expressed in the closing of saunas and video clubs. Then it was blamed on wanting to protect young people. Now the excuse is AIDS. But in reality it's about the same ignorance of gay men's culture, then as now. That gay men's pursuit of contacts is such a visible part of their social life often overshadows the fact that gay men live in long, romantic relationships, just as lesbians and heterosexuals do. HIV and AIDS have influenced many gay men's lives in the last decade. Many have lost or know someone who has lost lovers or friends to AIDS. Others have been stricken themselves. Gay men must learn to live with and protect themselves - and others - against HIV. In Hitler's concentration camps, homosexual men wore pink triangles. Today this triangle is a symbol of homosexual solidarity and struggle. ============================== Page 16 Older homosexuals Many people believe that older people have no sexuality, even if they're heterosexual. But of course there are both lesbians and gay men who are older. Many older homosexuals have experienced a much more prejudiced society than today's. Those who were young in the 1930s remember when homosexual relations were illegal and could be punished with a two-year prison sentence. Because of these frightening experiences, many older homosexuals are reluctant to tell others about their homosexuality. This silence creates problems when life begins to demand more help from others. Hospital personnel or social workers, for example, seldom realize that the patient's "good friend" is a lifelong partner. The situation for older homosexuals has received more attention in the last few years in the lesbian and gay movement. Special groups for older men and women, for instance, have been started. These groups provide support and help people deal with the negative attitudes towards homosexuality. Here one can meet new and old friends with whom to socialize. These groups also counter-balance the more youth-dominated homosexual culture. ============================== Page 19 Young lesbians and gays The teenage years are the time when you seriously begin to discover feelings that deal with love, relationships and sex. You talk with your friends about whom you're interested in and how to meet him or her. But friends usually assume that everyone's interested in the opposite sex. And frequently the attitude towards homosexuality is openly negative, especially among young men. Many homosexuals are worried that their friends will discover their real feelings. Sometimes they then choose to avoid their friends. Others try to "prove" their heterosexuality by having many affairs or sexual contacts with the opposite sex. Younger homosexuals claim that the lack of role models and the total invisibility of homosexuality make it difficult for them to come out when young. For young men there's only "dirty old men" or "nelly queens" to compare themselves with. They can't recognize themselves in either of these images. Young lesbians experience total silence - lesbians, or "dykes", don't seem to exist. In school when feelings are discussed in sex education or health classes, homosexual youth become even more invisible. In most cases the teaching focuses on heterosexual youths' feelings and sexuality. At worst, homosexual feelings are written off as "something that goes away" when you get older. ============================== Page 21 Homosexual parents Some lesbians and gay men are parents. Most often there is a child from a previous heterosexual relationship. But a few homosexuals have children after beginning to live as homosexuals. Perhaps through artificial insemination or intercourse with a friend. In a few cases, single homosexuals have adopted children. There are several prejudices about homosexuals as parents and about how their children develop. But all the studies that have been done have shown that children of homosexuals develop the same as those of heterosexuals. It's the same whether you're studying gender identity, gender roles or sexual identity. Children of homosexuals also have just as good contact with their peers as heterosexuals' children and are not bullied more often than other children. Research shows that the parent's sexual identity doesn't influence the quality of the child's home environment, regardless of whether the parents are homo- or heterosexual. Instead, it's a question of the parent's suitability for parenthood. ============================== Page 22 Homosexual immigrants Views of homosexuality are different in different countries. Our attitude in Sweden is relatively tolerant. There are cultures which are less negative towards homosexuality than Sweden's, but the most common attitude is more intolerant. In many countries homosexuals are persecuted because of their love. In some Muslim countries homosexual acts are punishable by death. In Roman Catholic countries homosexuality is considered a sin. There are many other examples. Often intolerance has its roots in religious beliefs that have, in turn, shaped the roles for men and women and the definition of the family. Coming to Sweden can be a liberating experience for many immigrants. Because it's often easier to meet other homosexuals, or because the social climate is more tolerant than in their home countries. Yet many immigrants are forced to lead a double life and to hide their homosexuality from their fellow countrymen. People from outside western Europe cannot immigrate to Sweden without special reasons. You must be a refugee or have a family connection to someone residing in Sweden. A homosexual relationship is an example of a family connection. On the other hand, it's difficult to be granted a residence permit because a person has been persecuted for his or her homosexuality in their home country. ============================== Page 23 Is this the way it is? 1. In homosexual relationships one partner plays the woman's role and the other the man's role. Wrong. In homosexual relationships partners must be able to take on aspects of both gender roles. This means that one doesn't "play" the opposite sex. 2. Homosexuals are more obsessed with sex than heterosexuals. Wrong. Sex is more visibly important to men's relationships than to women's. This is especially noticeable among gay men. The differences between male and female sexuality are greater than the differences between homosexuals' and heterosexuals' sexuality. 3. Homosexual men are pedophiles and molest children. Wrong. There are proportionally fewer homosexual than heterosexual men who sexually assault children. 4. Homosexuality is caused by a trauma during childhood. Wrong. No one knows why someone "becomes" homosexual. There are different theories that talk about heredity or environment. Most homosexuals have not had any exceptional difficulties during childhood. 5. Children of homosexuals become homosexual. Wrong. The scientific research that's been done shows that these children don't become homosexual any more frequently than children of heterosexuals. 6. Homosexuals are attracted to everyone of the same sex. Wrong. It's not enough that the person is of the same sex. Homosexuals have just as high demands for their partners as heterosexuals do. 7. Positive information about homosexuality results in more people becoming homosexual. Wrong. Information doesn't make more people become homosexual. On the other hand, more people dare to live as homosexuals since the information contributes to reducing prejudices. 8. You're homosexual because you can't relate to the opposite sex. Wrong. Homosexuality has nothing to do with the ability to attract the opposite sex, but rather that homosexuals are interested in their own sex. ============================== Page 24 Masculine - feminine When sexuality is discussed, many people believe that there is a great difference between homosexuality and heterosexuality. But the latest research on sexuality and gender shows instead that the difference is greater between men and women than between homosexuals and heterosexuals. Men find it easier to disassociate sexuality from relationships and love affairs. You could also say that men use sex as a means to intimacy or as a way to begin a romantic relationship. Women are more dependent upon an emotional context for their sexual pleasure. You could also say that for women sexuality is valued only after becoming close to the partner. What happens in homosexual relationships is that the gender-specific behaviors are strengthened. ============================== Page 25 Gay men - lesbians For gay men there are different places to meet others who are looking for casual sexual contacts. Many gay men are also more open to having several sexual partners, even when involved in a romantic relationship. Lesbians look for partners in settings where they get to know each other first. Partners are also often monogamous. Casual sexual encounters are seen as threatening to lesbian relationships where sexuality is seldom separated from the rest of the couple's romantic life. These are, of course, generalizations. Many gay men have monogamous relationships, and some lesbians have casual sexual encounters even while in a relationship. The differences between male and female sexuality are, however, more obvious than the similarities. ============================== Page 26 Then and now In ancient Greece the love between older men and young boys was highly valued. Yet we still can't say that homosexuality was fully accepted since the goal for young men was, nonetheless, marriage. And a corresponding homosexuality didn't exist for women or slaves. So this form of homosexuality represented an extremely patriarchal society. The Greek island of Lesbos, where the poetess Sappho instructed young girls in the 6th century BC, has lent its name to the word for female homosexuality: lesbian. Christianity brought a new way of viewing homosexuality. Procreation was stressed while desire and lust were condemned. Homosexual acts thus became a sin against the order of creation. In 1734 Sweden enacted a law against bestiality (sex with animals), but even homosexual acts were condemned under the same paragraph. In 1864 there was a new law. Paragraph 10 was intended to be used against all "unnatural sexual practices", but was used primarily against homosexual acts. Unlike many other countries' legislation, paragraph 10 applied to both men and women, but mostly men were sentenced. The law forbidding homosexual acts was repealed in 1944. This decriminalization didn't mean that society suddenly accepted homosexuals. Just the opposite. In the 1950s there were campaigns against homosexuality as being socially undesirable. At the end of the 1960s there was a wave of protests worldwide. In the US, homosexuals began to protest against society's constant persecution. Out of these protests Gay Pride was born. The 1970s witnessed a new consciousness of and intensive political campaigns for homosexual rights. In 1973 the Swedish parliament declared that homosexual cohabitation was "from society's point of view a fully acceptable lifestyle". In 1978 the age of consent in Sweden was made the same for homo- and heterosexuals acts: 15. In 1979 the National Board of Health and Welfare removed homosexuality from its list of diseases. In 1987 discrimination against homosexuals in Sweden was outlawed, and in 1988 Sweden enacted legislation concerning same-sex couples. During the 1990s Sweden will most likely enact a partnership law, like those which already exist in Denmark and Norway. Homosexual couples who register themselves as partners will receive, for the most part, the same rights and protections guaranteed married heterosexual couples. ============================== Page 28 White coats Medical science's definition of what is normal or abnormal has always been more concerned with morality than with "science". This is particularly evident when you look at how homosexuality has been described and explained. For nearly a hundred years, medical science has mostly oppressed homosexuals. When medical science at the end of the last century became interested in homosexuality, doctors claimed it was an expression of an inner androgyne, a double gender. Homosexuals were thus not only sexually deviant but physically and psychologically deviant as well. Homosexual men were described as feminine and interested in typically female activities. They were thought to have "womanly" voices, physiques, and hair growth. Lesbian women were similarly described as masculine and having deep voices, broad shoulders, and heavy hair growth. It's clear that medical science not only labeled as sick this "deviant" sexuality but the "deviant" gender roles as well. Even today we can see how these ideas live on in the most common notions of homosexuality. Especially in the prejudicial images of feminine gays and manly lesbians. During the 1900s, medical science has "explained" homosexuality more in psychological terms. These explanations have been susceptible to trends. Psychoanalysis's breakthrough, for example, has resulted in generally accepted theories of dominant mother- and father-figures. More recent research's focus on child abuse has likewise led to theories where homosexuality is seen as a result of child abuse. ============================== Page 29 Black cassocks One of the most common arguments against homosexuality is that it is condemned in the Bible. In both the Old and New Testaments homosexual activities are mentioned in a negative context. On the other hand, there is no mention of homosexuality in the Gospels. Within the Church today there are mainly two views of homosexuality which are based on how the Bible is interpreted. One view accepts homosexuals' feelings and sexuality. This view says that the Bible must be interpreted within the time, culture and religious context in which it was written. There are also several other commandments in the Bible which are no longer seen as modern and are therefore no longer of any significance. Two such examples are that a woman is unclean after childbirth, and that we should sacrifice doves every morning. This biblical school is usually called the historical-critical interpretation. The negative attitude towards homosexuality is mainly found in those who represent the fundamentalistic, literal biblical interpretation. They believe that the Bible's words are just as applicable today as when they were written. Followers of this interpretation can accept the idea of there being homosexuals, but they are negative towards homosexual love and sexuality. They are against all attempts to equate homosexual and heterosexual relationships, for example, partnership legislation. ============================== Page 30 HIV Approximately half of all the people who are infected with HIV in Sweden are men who were infected by other men. Most of the others were infected heterosexually or by sharing needles. The percentage of people infected heterosexually is increasing. In large areas of Africa, Asia and South America, heterosexual HIV infection is already the most common form. Unfortunately we haven't seen any decrease in the number of HIV-positive gay men. HIV is short for Human Immunodeficiency Virus. It attacks the body's immune system which protects us against diseases and infections. When you become infected by HIV then you are considered HIV-positive. AIDS is the condition that prevails when the immune system has become so weak that it can no longer protect the body against different infections and illnesses. Today there is no vaccine for HIV and no cure either. However, a number of medicines have been developed that can slow down the progress of HIV infection. HIV can be transmitted through blood, sperm and vaginal secretions. Infection can happen during unprotected intercourse, by sharing contaminated syringes, or from mother to child during pregnancy and childbirth. HIV can also be spread through blood transfusions and blood products, but in Sweden that risk has now become almost nonexistent. (The following are captions for drawings:) 1. Tear open the condom package in the middle. 2. Roll down the condom a bit so you see clearly in which direction it should be rolled on. You should have an erection when you roll on the condom. Pull back the foreskin. 3. Leave a little space at the top of the condom and press the air out of the tip. Roll it down halfway. Be careful not to tear it with your fingernails. 4. Draw the foreskin and condom forward a bit so that there will be greater freedom of movement and then continue to roll the condom down the shaft of the penis. 5. If necessary, use more lubricant. This is especially important for anal sex. (The lubricant should be water-based. In Sweden you can buy RFSU Glid, Klick or Lyosan, ACO Glidslem or KY) 6. If you want to be even safer, withdraw the penis before orgasm. Hold the condom at the base of the shaft so you're certain that it doesn't slide off. ============================== Page 31 Men who have sex with men All men who have sex with men do not consider themselves to be homosexual. Therefore we usually talk about men who have sex with men. Mutual masturbation and oral sex are the most common sexual contacts between men, but anal sex is not uncommon. Anal sex, if you do not protect yourself, is the most risky sexual act in terms of HIV. One reason that men who have sex with men have been hardest hit by HIV is that many of them became infected before the virus was identified. Since many of them had many partners, infection within this group was widespread. What should I keep in mind? You can have sex with whomever you like. You can have sex wherever and as often as you like. But remember to use a condom when you have intercourse and avoid sperm in the mouth so that you don't become infected or infect others. HIV does not distinguish between homo- and heterosexual, young and old, women and men, or white and black. The virus infects when it has the opportunity, and it can happen in a permanent relationship as well as a casual encounter. ============================== Page 32 RFSL RFSL, the Swedish Federation for Gay & Lesbian Rights, is an organization for homo- and bisexual women and men. Founded in 1950, RFSL is without political and religious affiliations and today has twenty-six local branches, from Luleaa in the north to Malmoe in the south. RFSL works to end oppression and discrimination in society by lobbying politicians and authorities to improve conditions for homosexuals. Through membership in ILGA, the International Lesbian & Gay Association, and NRH, the Nordic Council for Homosexuals, RFSL also fights against oppression of homosexuals in other countries. Another of RFSL's aims is to provide opportunities for social contacts while strengthening homosexuals' self-esteem through companionship and organizational community. A number of reforms for homosexuals have been implemented since RFSL was founded. But much remains to be done. The antidiscrimination law which was passed in 1987 only protects individual homosexuals against discrimination. It's still not forbidden to agitate against homosexuals as a group or to discriminate against homosexual organizations. Registered partnership has become a more central question the last few years. Partnership is the first step towards marriage. It has both a symbolic and legal significance for those who register themselves, but it would also mean that society's attitude towards homosexuals would improve. Denmark enacted a partnership law in 1989 and Norway did so in 1993. The question of homosexuals' children has similarly become more topical. Homosexual couples do not have the right to adopt children together, and lesbian women are not eligible for state-sponsored artificial insemination at clinics and other agencies. Many lesbian women arrange insemination privately or together with gay men. A shared responsibility for children is difficult since same-sex stepparents are not recognized by the authorities. HIV/AIDS is another central question for RFSL. The organization runs a comprehensive prevention program for men who have sex with men. As part of this HIV work , RFSL is also trying to improve AIDS prevention work within the general population and to improve the Swedish Prevention of Infectious Diseases Act. Under this law, which is one of the most repressive in the world, people who are HIV-positive are subjected to arbitrary legal treatment. Furthermore, the law complicates HIV prevention work. ============================== Page 33 The homosexual movement's role in Swedish society Despite homosexual rights in Sweden being strengthened by legislation and despite the situation for homosexuals in society being improved, there are still many areas where circumstances differ for homo- and heterosexuals. There are also attitudes in society towards homosexuals and homosexuality that are still marked by prejudices and great ignorance. Furthermore, there are forces which - often for religious reasons - try, in every possible way, to resist all improvements for homosexuals and all information about homosexuality. In 1987 Sweden's parliament decided, after extensive efforts by the homosexual movement, to give economic support to homosexual organizations. Today a little more than one million Swedish crowns a year for organizations' work at the national level. At the same time Parliament commissioned The National Institute of Public Health to: * be responsible for coordinating efforts for homosexuals * monitor the development of the situation for homosexuals, among other things, eventual cases of discrimination and, in such cases, consider ways to counteract the discrimination * initiate their own and follow other authorities' information efforts as well as follow research on homosexuality and on the situation for homosexuals * regularly submit reports on their activities to the government The homosexual movement must, despite these other efforts, work extensively to defend their positions and to spread knowledge in order to change attitudes and legislation. Homosexual organizations therefore maintain a comprehensive lobbying effort and have become a political force which society considers as experts in these questions. RFSL's bookstore Rosa Rummet can be found in: Gothenburg Esperantoplatsen 7 Box 2052 403 11 Gothenburg Telephone: 031-11 61 51 Lund Lilla Fiskaregatan 12 Box 1662 221 10 Lund Telephone: 046-15 71 34 Stockholm Sveavaegen 57 Box 450 90 Stockholm 104 30 Stockholm Telephone: 08-736 02 15 A large selection of lesbian literature can also be found at: Kvinnobokhandeln Medusa (women's bookstore) Wollmar Yxkullsgatan 33 118 50 Stockholm Telephone: 08-84 50 07 ============================== Page 34 - 35 Where can I find out more? If you wish to talk to someone who is homosexual, who can listen and share their own experiences, you can call one of RFSL's gay counseling lines which are open to both women and men. Feel free to speak in English! Sweden's country code is 46. Boraas int+46-33-12 72 42 Gothenburg int+46-31-11 01 04 Helsingborg int+46-42-12 35 32 Linkoeping int+46-13-11 03 33 Luleaa int+46-920-170 55 Lund int+46-46-15 71 34 Malmoe int+46-40-11 99 44 Norrkoeping int+46-11-23 82 50 Piteaa int+46-911-144 40 Skellefteaa int+46-910-776 76 Stockholm int+46-8-24 74 65 Trestad int+46-520-806 07 Umeaa int+46-90-11 47 10 Uppsala int+46-18-26 09 15 Vaesteraas int+46-21-11 80 41 Vaexjoe int+46-470-208 08 Oerebro int+46-19-12 25 50 Under 26 If you are 26 or under, there is also a youth line, BHUS- linjen, Telephone int+46-20-78 33 66. This number is toll-free in Sweden. RFSL's counseling services You can also contact counselors at these counseling centers: Gothenburg: int+46-31-11 01 33 Malmoe: int+46-40-11 99 50 Stockholm: int+46-8-736 02 10 In Stockholm there is a special counselor for "senior" homosexuals. The number is int+46-8-20 90 20. Gay radio Several local branches of RFSL have local radio programs. Here you can get tips about what's happening. Look in local newspapers for broadcasting times. Boraas Gay Radio 92,5 MHz Goeteborg Gay Radio 103,1 MHz Malmoe Gay Radio 89,2 MHz Piteaa Gay Radio 92,8 MHz Stockholm Gay Radio 88,0 MHz Kanal Gay Oerebro 95,3 MHz RFSL's local branches If you want to meet other homosexuals you can contact one of RFSL's local branches. Most branches have premises with a cafe' or disco sometime during the month. If you want to join RFSL, contact a local branch or the national office. The annual fee is between 160-250 Swedish crowns, depending on which local branch you choose. RFSL Box 350, 101 26 Stockholm Foerbundsexp: int+46-8-736 02 13 RFSL's newspaper Kom Ut!: int+46-8-736 02 17 Hiv-office: int+46-8-736 02 11 Telefax: int+46-8-30 47 30 RFSL Boraas Box 77038, 500 07 Boraas Tel int+46-33-10 69 70 RFSL Eskilstuna Box 398 631 06 Eskilstuna RFSL Falun Box 2021, 791 02 Falun Tel int+46-23-284 85 RFSL Gaevleborg Tel int+46-26-27 67 62 RFSL Goeteborg avd 1 Box 530 25, 400 14 Goeteborg Tel int+46-31-779 29 01 RFSL Goeteborg avd 2 Box 2052, 403 11 Goeteborg Tel int+46-31-11 61 51 Youth groupint+46-31-11 56 49 RFSL Halland Box 4092, 300 04 Halmstad Tel int+46-35-11 48 00 RFSL Helsingborg Box 2118, 250 02 Helsingborg Tel int+46-42-12 35 32 RFSL Joenkoeping Box 528, 551 17 Joenkoeping Tel int+46-36-11 47 51 RFSL Karlstad Box 634, 651 14 Karlstad Tel int+46-54-15 20 90 RFSL Linkoeping Box 213, 581 02 Linkoeping Tel int+46-13-13 20 22 RFSL Luleaa Box 95, 971 04 Luleaa Tel int+46-920-170 55 RFSL Lund Box 1662, 221 20 Lund Tel int+46-46-15 71 34 RFSL Malmoe Box 2, 201 20 Malmoe Tel int+46-40-11 99 23 RFSL Norrkoeping Box 2042, 600 02 Norrkoeping Tel int+46-11-23 82 50 RFSL Piteaa Box 155, 941 24 Piteaa Tel int+46-911-144 40 RFSL Skaraborg Box 46, 547 02 Otterbaecken Tel int+46-500-43 75 44 RFSL Stockholm Box 45090, 104 30 Stockholm Tel int+46-8-736 02 12 RFSL Sundsvall Box 3077, 850 03 Sundsvall Tel int+46-60-17 13 30 RFSL Soedermanland Oe. Kyrkogatan 15 c, 611 32 Nykoeping Tel int+46-155-21 02 29 RFSL Trestad Box 11, 461 21 Trollhaettan Tel int+46-520-117 66 RFSL Umeaa Box 38, 901 02 Umeaa Tel int+46-90-11 47 10 RFSL Uppsala Box 1147, 751 41 Uppsala Tel int+46-18-23 47 50 RFSL Vaesteraas Box 12031, 720 12 Vaesteraas Tel int+46-21-11 80 41 RFSL Vaexjoe Box 440, 351 06 Vaexjoe Tel int+46-470-208 08 RFSL Oerebro Box 447, 701 48 Oerebro Tel int+46-19-14 42 32 RFSL Oestersund Box 516, 831 26 Oestersund Tel int+46-63-13 19 00 ============================== Page 35 School presentations Many local branches have specially trained members who can visit schools or workplaces and talk about homosexuality. If you are interested in having a speaker, contact the nearest local branch. Other organizations for homo- and bisexual women and men Alcoholics Anonymous, AA Stockholm: Gay group AA Lesbian women's group Malmoe: Gay group (mixed) For information about meeting times, call AA's service office int+46-8-642 26 09 BHUS! (Bi- and Homosexual Youth in Stockholm) Box 45090, 104 30 Stockholm Tel int+46-20-78 33 66 EKHO (Ecumenical Group for Christian Homosexuals) National-Ekho, Box 19047, 104 32 Stockholm Tel int+46-8-15 77 50 Counseling line int+46-20-78 77 76 EKHO-Gothenburg, c/o G-Kriss, Foereningsgatan 32, 411 27 Goeteborg Tel int+46-31-13 36 92 EKHO-Stockholm, Box 19047 104 32 Stockholm Tel int+46-8-643 74 45 EKHO-South, Studentpraesterna Krafts Torg 12, 223 50 Lund Tel int+46-40-30 38 53 EKHO-Uppsala, Box 1915 751 49 Uppsala Tel int+46-18-26 02 21 EKHO-Norrkoeping, Box 3065 600 03 Norrkoeping Tel int+46-11-23 80 34 GALEJ (Federation for Homosexual Jews) Box 350, 101 26 Stockholm Gay Moderaterna (Gay Conservatives) Saltmaetargatan 18 113 59 Stockholm Tel int+46-8-34 44 56 GLIS (Grupo Latinoamericano por la Igualdad Sexual) Box 45090, 104 30 Stockholm Golden Ladies (for lesbians over 45) Box 45090, 104 30 Stockholm Tel int+46-8-736 02 12 HOMAN (Group for homosexual Iranians' rights) Box 45090, 104 30 Stockholm Homosexuella Liberaler (Homosexual Liberals) Box 45090, 104 30 Stockholm Tel int+46-8-31 41 27 Homosexuella Socialister, ROHS (Homosexual Socialists) Saltmaetargatan 18, 113 59 Stockholm Tel int+46-8-32 03 09 Homosexuella Socialdemokrater (Homosexual Social Democrats) Saltmaetargatan 18, 113 59 Stockholm Tel int+46-8-32 03 09 Lesbisk Nu!, LN (Lesbian Now!) Kocksgatan 28, 116 24 Stockholm Tel int+46-8-641 86 16 Lesbian Luren (lesbian counselling line) int+46-8-644 08 02 Positiva Gruppen (for HIV-positive homo- and bisexual men) Box 38055, 100 64 Stockholm Tel int+46-8-720 19 60 Counselling line int+46-20-78 44 14 Regnbaagen (for deaf homosexuals) Box 350, 101 26 Stockholm Senior Group (for older homosexual men) Box 45090, 104 30 Stockholm Tel int+46-8-20 90 20 SLM, Scandinavian Leather Men Box 17241, 104 62 Stockholm Tel int+46-8-643 31 00 Box 172, 201 20 Malmoe Reporter (newspaper) Box 17218 104 62 Stockholm Tel int+46-8-669 00 12 Fax int+46-8-669 04 24 Tupilak (Nordic cultural workers) Box 17218, 104 62 Stockholm Lesbians also meet at: Kvinnohuset (women's house) Snickarbacken 10 111 39 Stockholm Tel int+46-8-10 76 56 Kvinnohoejden (feminist course- and guest center) Storsund 90, 781 94 Borlaenge Tel int+46-243-22 37 07