Date: Tue, 15 Aug 1995 08:44:40 -0400 (EDT) From: David Casti Subject: ACTION ALERT: Italy Submitted by: Bj|rn Skolander REQUEST FOR HELP TO DEFEAT THE ANTI-GAY MOVEMENT IN ITALY. ARCIGAY-ARCILESBICA (one of the Italian gay and lesbians rights organisations) is asking for support from the international lesbigay community. Please take your time to sign their petition. This message consists of three parts: 1: INSTRUCTIONS FOR INDIVIDUAL OR COLLECTIVE PARTICIPATION 2: BACKGROUND TO THE ACTION 3: ARCIGAY-ARCILESBICA's PETITION 1: INSTRUCTIONS FOR INDIVIDUAL OR COLLECTIVE PARTICIPATION ********************************************************** A) If you want to fax or post your response on your own, please sign the petition below and fax/post it to: ARCIGAY-ARCILESBICA SEGRETERIA PETIZIONE PIAZZA DI PORTA SARAGOZZA, 2 40123 BOLOGNA (BO) ITALY FAX 39-51-6446722 (please include your international access code) B) If you want to sign the petition collectively with other activists from around the world, please use the following procedure: a) Address your email to: Bjorn Skolander b) Include the word ITALY in the SUBJECT LINE c) Write your NAME, ADDRESS etc in the body of your message (do not include the petition or other parts of this message) d) NOTE: The collective petition will be faxed to ARCIGAY-ARCILESBICA on Saturday August 19, 1995. Only signatures received before that date will be included in the collectively signed petition. 2: BACKGROUND TO THE ACTION *************************** After the European Parliament Resolution (the so called Roth resolution) in favour of homosexual rights, the situation here in Italy is tantamount to a civil war. A new movement is "born": "THE DEFENCE COMMITTE FOR THE NATURAL AND CRISTIAN ORDER FAMILY" that has gathered about 70000 signatures AGAINST this European Parliament Resolution. The committee is demanding from the authorities: A) To stop publicity and legalization of the so-called "Homosexual families"; B) To protect our families with correct laws that respect natural and christian principles on which is founded our European civilization." ARCIGAY-ARCILESBICA (the Italian gay and lesbian association) hasn't wasted time, and on the 1st of July even ARCIGAY-ARCILESBICA has got 70000 signatures in support of this E.P. Resolution. But this is not sufficient! We ask for help from people all over the world. You can send a letter (not e-mail) saying: "I /name, surname, address/ agree with ARCIGAY-ARCILESBICA petition for civil rights, in favour of the Strasbourg Resolution for civil unions. /your signature/". Thank you. Franco Grillini President of ARCIGAY-ARCILESBICA Italy Marco Tonti President of ARCIGAY-ARCILESBICA for Rimini-Riccione-Pesaro 3: Now the text of the ARCIGAY-ARCILESBICA PETITION *************************************************** FOR THE CIVIL RIGHTS We want to live in a more civil and free country. For the people's sake. There are in Italy millions of gays and lesbians. Most of them are obliged to hide their feelings, to migrate to bigger cities, or are persecuted in work and family. The ratification of homosexual rights against prejudice and discrimination is not only to support a minority, but is also a way to test civil and democratic improvement for Italy and Europe. The 8th February 1994 European Parliament's Resolution for homosexual people's rights must not stay without future, but must be a base, must be considered as principle for civil institutions, schools and mass media, in order to fight discriminations and prejudices that are today deeply rooted in everyday life. Particularly we ask the Italian Parliament to DISCUTE AND APPROVE a law in favour of civil unions that permit to all couples, even of the same sex, to be acknowledged by law, as already happens in Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and other countries. Therefore to guarantee even to not yet married persons, that a free choice of love will be a recognised right on questions as housing, heritage, and pensions. I /name, surname, address/ agree with ARCIGAY-ARCILESBICA petition for civil rights, in favour of the Strasbourg Resolution for civil unions. /your signature/"