Date: Tue, 17 Jan 1995 13:15:37 +0200 (EET) Here are the minutes from the Euro-ILGA conference on Hofaism. MINUTES OF THE CAUCUS ON HOFAISM AS A CRITICAL ALTERNATIVE TO GAY LIBERATION Facilitator: President of the Union of Gay and Lesbian Families- HOFA. ____________________________________________________________________________ Few participants attended the caucus depite prior agreements and a great expression of interest on this, up to now, rather unknown topic. The purpose of the caucus was to clarify the nature of Hofaism within the worldwide Lesbian and Gay Community and, as well, to clarify the fundemental differences between Gay Liberation and Hofaism. A subtopic was also the possibilities for cooperation between Hofaists and Gay Liberationists on certain principle issues. THE FOLLOWING POINTS WERE MADE DURING THE CAUCUS: Hofaism is working for the establishment of an alternative lifestyle to the "gay life" within the worldwide Community. The international organisation The Union of Gay and Lesbian Families- HOFA, was established in order to promote this more "family- and monogamyoriented" alternative. The ideas of Hofaism and the rather detailed bylaws of the organisation HOFA are two seperate entities. The ideas of Hofaism are broader in perspective and more pluralistic. HOFA is not a religious organisation. HOFA has no ties with any political party nor with any religious sect of organisation. HOFA is a member of the Gay and Lesbian Parents' Coalition International (a form of cooperation with large organisaation representing different issues of importance to Hofaists). GLPCI is a forum for Lesbian and Gay parents in need of support and information. Hofaism, as an ideologi and philosophy, as traced back to the beginnings of the Gay Liberation movement, not so as to create a split in the Community, but rather as a key to a very needed debate which should lead to the further developement of our entire Community. Herewith, Hofaism states that a science called "Gay Criticism" is of the utmost importance- that is, a science/philosophy of criticism of the Movement, of conditions within our Community and, as well, of the very assumptions which Gay Liberation is making (for instance, about homosexual monogamous families being an attempt to copy "hetersexual" institutions). The descussion should be (unlike at present) free, democratic and creative. Peculiar to Hofaism is the belief that descrimination against homosexuals (indeed, discrimination in general) is the result of "societal ranking" by the "group or groups with most resources" or "the group in charge" in each society which also posesses the power of definition (good and bad, high and low, even words of description, etc.). Thus, descrimination, in short, functions as a toold for the division of society. This is a result of the fact that different groups are competing for resources and power, because resources and power are usually limited in each society. South Africa, where a minority with"the resources" has ruled over a mass majority and where Chinese immigrants are classified as "coloured" while Japanese merchants are classed as "honourary whites" was used as a taypical example of this hypothesis. The difference between Hofaism and Gay Liberation is in short that Gay Liberation seems to be proposing a sort of integration after an informative and legislative process of societal change within each society. This is often characterized as a melting away of the divisions of sex, sexual preference, etc. Gay Liberationists often state that the only thing uniting the sexual minority is sexual preference and outside pressure from a homophobic society. The Hofaists strongly disagree with this hypothesis and instead propose that certain fundemental innate characteristic differences are to be found between heterosexuals and homosexuals. Hofaism also refutes the above-mentioned view of the future developement as UTOPIAN. Instead, the Hofaist movement supports the hypothesis that the competition between different groups will continue into the future, including the tendency toward discrimination of homosexuals and that the Community must establish a strong identity of its own, autonomous from that from the society at large. It was stressed that this does NOT imply the formation of Gay ghettos, but rather the active participation of Lesbians and Gays within the key professions and areas of the society-at-large accompanied by the formation of strong Lesbian and Gay institutions as well as an efficient neutral general education for those coming our of the closet about their own minority, its history and culture, as well as its different ideological and philosophical schools of thought (i.e. Gay Liberation, Hofaism, Gay Spirituality). The three important societal units within Hofaism are: 1) the minority 2) the local organisations/congregations or communities (which all take on certain social and other needs of their members) 3) the homosexual family unit (household) Hofaism prefers and propogates the formation of many smaller organisations which, through a long-sighted thinking and proper socialization, understand value and function of cooperation on key issues. Larger coalitions would merely be established in the case of concrete projects. The organisations should seek ongoing funding from the members and from donors and thus avoid the "free-rider" problem so common today (at least in Europe). Hofaism complains about the ineffectivity of the use of vital resources and the seeming lack of serious, new ideas or will to try new things within the traditional Lesbian and Gay movement. A delegate from Estonia objected to the categorical description of "Gay Liberation" stating that according to her, Gay Liberation may be many different things to many different people. She also added that the decisions and actions of certain individuals within Gay Liberation should not necessarily be interpreted as the official ideological viewpoint of this movement. The Estonian delegate wished to add new dimensions to the model of the division of society into different layers (societal ranking). No concrete rationale for these new dimensions was indicated. She also proposed a community-model with a national Lesbian and Gay organisation in the centre surrounded by other smaller organisations and interest groups (an American model?), all working in cooperation with each other, with no certain organisation giving orders. The Hofaists explained that, for the time being, they do not feel that they wish to or can use the rainbow flag as their flag, but instead the flag of Hofaism which is composed of three horizontal fields, with a white field in the middle and with two black fields, one above and the other below the white middle field. Upon the white field is a yellow triangle in front and slightly to the Northwest of its black shadow which it mostly eclipses. The middle white field symbolizes openness, honesty and societal promenance. The black shadow symbolizes traditional gay life. The yellow triangle symbolizes our alternative lifestyle. The golden colour of the triangle (instead of pink) symbolizes the right to self-definition. At the end of the lecture, it was stressed that Hofaism is not seeking a split with the Lesbian and Gay movement (or Community), for this would serve absolutely no purpose. Hofaism and the international organisation HOFA are seeking cooperation with Lesbian and Gay organisations and hope that also our values and points of view can freely be expressed within the Gay movement in all countries, even in political demands expressed by the organisations. HOFA is absolutely not denying or belittling the absolute importance of the work being taken on by Gay Liberation, but instead wishes to remind the movement of internal issues or problems as well as alternative forms of activity which it may have forgotten. The Estonian delegatge wished to stress the importance of humanness before any "-isms". Since the caucus lacked the power of making resolutions, no resolutions were made. However let it be known that a call for free dialogue and debate were strongly expressed. Helsinki, December 29th, 1994 - - - - - - - - - - - -