Gay Fair Fiasco Any thoughts of a "united" Europe were firmly scotched at the recent Belgian Gay Fair (Antwerp, 22 & 23 of April) as police refused to allow some parts of the programme to go ahead as planned. The Dutch organisers had asked Amsterdam-based Mr.B leather, Rubber and toyshop, to put on a repeat perfor,ance of the sex-show that had previously been presented at the succesfull Dutch Gay Fairs in Hilversum. Under Belgian law, copies of the script had to be submitted to the Belgian vice squad for approval. Mr. B.'s first scenario, based on the dracula story was rejected because it called for the use of fake stage blood. A second script was rejected because candle wax was to be dripped onto the bare skin of the actors causing, accoding to Belgian police, "permanent scarring". Various re-writes followed, each being rejected for a variety of petty reasons. Eventually a modified version of the second (wax) show went ahead with one cast-member catching the offending was in box- lids marked "CENSORED". Even this improvisation was not enough to pacify the eight- strong policeteam present, who insisted on yet further changes. They also turned their attention to the Safe-Sex promotion team at the Fair, who were forbidden to present an educational video showing how a condom should be rolled over an erect penis. Finally, police agreed the video could be shown if the TV-set were turned on its side (?) and the display restricted to over-18's- thus excluding the very people who need such information most. Camera crews from Belgian national TV were soon on the scene to cover unfolding events. A "seething" Wim Bos, director of Mr.B, made an impassioned speech before the evening's second show in which he asked how on earth it is possible that what is conside- red perfectly normal in Holland should be found such a problem a few mils up the road in Belgium. He received a standing ovation, as did the unintentionally tame and sometimes ludicrous Mr.B show. (This article first appeared in "Out on the Streets", based in Amsterdam on may 9th 1995, and was submitted to internet with permission from the editor. For more information email Love from Holland, Bert Schuur