This has been excerpted from the December 31, 1993 issue of a Madison, Wisconsin entertainment weekly _Isthmus_. In the 1993 Cheap Shot Awards, the _Isthmus's_ "annual onslaught of low blows", is an award I found sort of interesting. (following the "Most Horrific Hairdo award"): Most Pathetic Politician: Herb Kohl. Wisconsin's senior senator this year tried to strike all the right poses in anticipation of next year's reelection campaign. Kohl, who in 1988 applied $6.1 million of his own money toward the purchase of a U. S. Senate seat, this June backed a $25,000 limit on candidate self-contributions. In August he forced Clinton to limit his tax hike on gasoline, thus undermining deficit reduction and conservation. In September he helped pass an amendment delcaring that "homosexuality is incompatible with military service" and permitting the military to reinstate its policy of asking recruits about their sexual orientation - a curious stance for a 58-year-old never-married man who doubtless considers his own sexual orientation nobody's beeswax. Apparently Kohl thinks gross hypocrisy is a winning strategy. Let's hope not.