>From: ww@blythe.org (Workers World Service) >Date: Tue, 28 Dec 93 14:13:40 EST Via NY Transfer News Collective * All the News that Doesn't Fit 'STOP TERROR AGAINST TRANSGENDERED PRISONERS' By Kaz Susat Seattle Family, friends and supporters of a transsexual prisoner at Walla Walla State Penitentiary gathered to protest at the Washington state capitol building in Olympia Dec. 7. They demanded an end to prison terror against transgendered inmates, and medical care for transsexual prisoners. Humane Treatment for People, an organization committed to securing basic rights for transgendered prisoners, called the demonstration. The rally centered on the case of Sarah, a transsexual prisoner. Because of the prison authorities' terror campaign against her, she has asked that her last name not be made public. Sarah is in prison as a result of a witch-hunt atmosphere against gays and transgendered people that surrounded passage of Washington state's Sex Offender Bill. The law is ostensibly meant to protect women and children from violence and sexual abuse. But in practice it has been used as a reactionary measure of repression against the lesbian, gay and transgendered communities. Repeated studies have shown that the vast majority--well over 90 percent--of those who sexually abuse children are heterosexual men, usually family members or acquaintances. But prosecutions under Washington's law have not reflected this. Instead, the police and courts have tried to create a hysteria against gays and transsexuals, portraying them as monsters who prey on children. The Sex Offender Bill also requires convicted child molesters to register with police after they leave prison. It even allows for keeping people locked up after their sentence is over if the prison authorities deem them a "threat." Thus, people who may have been innocent victims railroaded into prison on a wave of anti-gay panic continue to be targets of repression even after they get out of prison. The issue is discrimination. Sarah is one of the victims. She was charged with sexually assaulting children. Supporters say her case was rushed through trial and she never had a real chance to defend herself. "Sarah's in prison because she is transgendered," her mother told Workers World. The myth of lesbian, gay and transgendered people as child abusers, combined with media hysteria on the issue, sent Sarah to jail. Since being locked up she has been subjected to countless acts of terror, including threats to her life, by prison authorities. She has also been denied medical treatment and hormone therapy. The state has also threatened retaliation against Sarah if her family and supporters continue to struggle on her behalf. But Ava King, Sarah's partner and founder of Humane Treatment for People, says: "We are not giving up. The Department of Corrections is participating in cruel and unusual punishment of transgendered prisoners. "We will keep fighting them until they stop." The group is demanding that Sarah get a new trial. Members plan to hold another demonstration in late January. -30- (Copyright Workers World Service: Permission to reprint granted if source is cited. For more information contact Workers World, 55 West 17 St., New York, NY 10011; via e-mail: ww@blythe.org.) + OPEN HOUSE! NY TRANSFER NEWS COLLECTIVE FREE ACCESS! + + December'93 e-mail: nyt@blythe.org December'93 + + 212-675-9690 info: info@blythe.org 212-675-9663 +