From Mon Mar 8 17:24:45 1993 Well, I'm not sure if there is an organized group that is shepharding the bill, but I believe it was introduced by Cal Anderson (D-Seattle). I called the Sec'y of State's office and got the following addresses (sorry, no fax numbers); Governor Mike Lowry Legislative Bldg. P.O.Box 41001 Olympia WA 98504-1001 (206) 753-6780 Cal Anderson John L. O'Brien Bldg #401 Olympia WA 98504 (206) 786-7920 Lowry has only by governor since November, but he is very gay-positive (I just reread that sentence and realized how bizarre it is...). I guess what I meant is that he is still somewhat of an unknown quantity, but he has already stated his support for gays and lesbians. I don't know much about Anderson (I live a long way from Seattle), but I believe he is the only openly gay member of the legislature.