If you want a taste of what services will be available nationwide starting in Sept 1992, call (703)951-GIDE to take a look at our national database of gay/lesbian bars, restaurants, guest houses, university groups, media, and (soon) community organizations. All you need is a TouchTone phone to use the service. Just call (703)951-GIDE, when prompted, select option 4 to conduct a sample search. This is a free service which will help you learn your way around the BarPhone system. Many features are currently disabled as we are still building our database, and most establishments have not yet called in to post their voice messages and other information. (Please nag your local GLB businesses to call us and get online) If you want to get your student, faculty or alumni group listed, it's free, just select option 2 to apply for your free database listing and voice mailboxes. Starting on Sept 15, 1992, we will be opening our 900 numbers which will give callers complete access to the database contents. We will also be rolling out an 800 number for information providers (so being listed on BarPhone is even more convenient). The tutor service at (703)951-GIDE will remain available free of charge so that people can learn their way around the system without being charged. NOTE: there are still a few minor bugs in the search engine, if you don't select a city, you'll get thrown into a couple of redundant prompts, just press # to skip them and start over; occasionally the system hiccups when there are two cities with the same name in the same region (i.e. Kansas City, MO or KS). We're working on them, and will have them fixed next week. NOTE: the information collected for this service is being ported into many different formats. Lists of university groups will be placed on the Internet as public domain material. All establishments and organizations who choose to list with us will have their information forwarded to other guide services such as Damron's, Places of Interest, etc. If you call us, you're listing with several groups, not just our service. So, feel free to call in. Tell your friends to call. Enjoy the service, and, if you have any suggestions, ideas or bug reports, please call me at 703-951-4475 (Brian McConnell), after Monday of next week. I'll be on vacation this weekend. Please spread the word, particularily to the businesses and organizations who can get listed on the service. Enjoy! Brian McConnell, Seriously Deprived of Sleep from Setting This Up bmcconne@vtssi.vt.edu