Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 15:51:56 -0400 From: James Redman Subject: PRESS RELEASE: GAY AND LESBIAN BILLBOARD FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Linda Ketner, 843.883.0343 Warren Gress, 843.402.9193 Charles Smith, 843.556.8307 GAY AND LESBIAN BILLBOARD "Gay and Lesbian People, Valued Members of this Community" reads the message on an I-26 billboard going up near the entrance of Charleston April 30. "It's a first in South Carolina history," said Linda Ketner, President of the sponsoring organization Alliance For Full Acceptance (AFFA). AFFA is a group of gay and straight citizens, working for the civil rights and social justice of gay and lesbian Americans. "We're speaking out against widespread misinformation and untruths," said Ketner. The owner of the billboard estimates over 56,000 people will pass the billboard each day. AFFA is a member of the SC Hate Crimes Coalition which is working toward passage of State Hate Crimes legislation. South Carolina is one of 8 states without such legislation. Hate Crimes have doubled in the last 5 years. "Gays and lesbians are caught up in a social transition which is full of wrong-thinking and cruelty. It's time to ask fair-minded people to educate themselves on this issue and to take a stand. Good, decent people's lives are at stake," said Ketner. The billboard is part of an AFFA educational campaign, which will go on through July. Legal inequities in: employment, housing, taxation, adoption, custody and over 1,000 more discriminatory laws will be communicated through direct mail and AFFA's speakers' bureau. A Hate Crime reporting line, workshop on homophobia, letters to clergy, ads in local papers, education of legislators on Hate Crimes rounds out the 3 month effort. "If Bishop Desmond Tutu believes the 'persecution of homosexuals is as unjust as apartheid', we're culpable for our inaction. 'For me', he said, 'it's a matter of human rights and a deeply theological issue.' We agree. The discrimination and prejudice is immoral and we want to educate people and move them beyond their fear. "For more information, please call 843.883.0343. To access information on the Internet, the AFFA web site can be visited at -------------------------------------------- James Redman AFFA (Alliance For Full Acceptance) Mission: To encourage networking, advocacy and education among those committed to the elimination of prejudice based on sexual orientation; and, among those committed to the full social justice and civil rights of gay and lesbian Americans.