Date: Wed, 19 Jun 1996 21:48:22 -0800 (PST) From: Gwendolyn A Spencer Subject: Transgender rights speech at 1996 Providence (RI) Pride Rally It's time Rhode Island! Time to support an amendment to the state civil rights law which provides equal civil rights protection to transgendered citizens. Many of you are unaware that the current law does not include you. despite all the rhetoric, many of us are still not guaranteed equal civil rights in this state. It doesn't matter if you are lesbian, gay, bisexual, omnisexual, asexual or heterosexual, if you fall under the umbrella term transgendered in any way, shape or form you have no equal civil rights protection in this state or this country. Many people believe that the wording "perceived to be homosexual" provides protection for everyone. It does not! The federal courts have consistently ruled that since transgender is not included in the definition of sexual orientation, then the law does not apply to these people. Not even Title Seven of the federal Civil Rights law protects transsexual people like myself since this law only applies to illegal discrimination based on sex or gender and not legal discrimination based on change of sex or gender. It's time Rhode Island! Time for all transgendered people, from part-time drag queens and drag kings to post-operative transsexuals and everyone interested in fulfilling this state's and this country's commitment to equal civil rights for all citizens to ban together and demand equal civil rights under the law. Many transgendered people are afraid of coming out. They are so far in the closet an army of spelunkers couldn't dig them out. Afraid of the discrimination and bigotry which they will suffer. And not just at the hands of the more dominant heterosexual society, but from the lesbian and gay community as well. If you think it doesn't happen, think again. It's happening right here, right hnow in this city and this state as well as across the nation. It's time Rhode Island! It's time America! Time to live up to those words in the Pledge of Alliegence that we all memorized in elementary school, "with liberty and justice for all"! Thank you.