Just got off the phone with Randy Bobst-McKay (new phone numer: 707/865-0645). The flyer text provided by Debbie Graham first appeared as a paper flyer in Oregon in August of 1992. _Connection_ magazine tried to authenticate the flyer throughout September, and ran cover story on it in _Connection_ magazine (published by Seventh Day Adventist Kinship, a Les/Bi/Gay organization within the Seventh Day Adventist church; story written by Randy Bobst-McKay) in October of 1992. _Connection_ magazine talked to Lon Mabon (head of the OCA, now head of the USCA). Lon Mabon both times refused to confirm or deny OCA involvement with the flyer. Scott Lively (media manager, OCA/USCA) would not return calls made to his office. After the story hit, Lively denied OCA involvement in production of the flyer. It is Randy's opinion that the flyer was probably NOT produced by OCA, but by a member of said organization acting in an unofficial capacity. I would tend to agree with this assessment, given the flyer's crudity and wording. Also, no such thing as the "Ecumenical Christian Council" exists in Oregon. There is an organization with a similar name, but it was active against the OCA in the No On 9 campaign. Thirdly, no _official_ names collection division exists, but such lists _were_ being made - all of the major anti-9 organizations reported break-ins and thefts of membership lists during the No On 9 campaign. The actual origin of the flyer HAS NOT BEEN DETERMINED. The Associated Press released a story on the flyer in September, 1992, claiming that 500,000 copies were distributed to libraries, public kiosks, bus stations, etc, throughout Oregon. However, the origin, printer, and placement agency REMAINS UNKNOWN. The OCA/USCA is threatening legal action against groups associating this flyer with the OCA or USCA. The offer for a copy of the article in exchange for a SASE is STILL GOOD. Send a SASE (Self-Addressed, Stamped Envelope) to: Randy Bobst-McKay, PO Box 14951, Santa Rosa, CA 95402. His telephone number is now 707/865-0645. The existance of the flyer and the article as mentioned above was verified with him by me this morning. He was also my source for the information on the AP story and on the OCA's reaction, and verified information on the flyer's circulation in Oregon. - R'ykandar.