Date: Sun, 16 Jan 1994 14:49:00 EDT From: Song Weaver Subject: Gay couples embrace in new NYC AIDS prevention ads NEW YORK (UPI) -- A New York City AIDS prevention campaign with the slogan, "Young, Hot, Safe," broke new ground this week with posters showing gay and lesbian couples embracing and urging young people to take precautions against contracting HIV. The taboo-busting ads, sprinkled around the city's sprawling transit system, show gay as well as straight couples kissing while holding condoms, water-based lubricants and other disease-preventing devices. The ads target young people -- both gay and straight -- between the ages of 15-21, who are considered to be especially at risk for AIDS transmission. "When one is a teenager, there is a sense of being indestructible, you never think about death," said David Eng of the Gay Men's Health Crisis, which formulated the campaign. "What we need to do is to make them aware that they are part of this equation and if they're not careful, they can put their lives in danger. " The ads show the smiling couples embracing, while captions underneath read, "Young, Hot, Safe." Some of the couples are wearing latex gloves, which could guard against possible infection with the human immunodeficiency virus that can cause AIDS if the person has cuts on their hands and touches the other's genitals. Others in the ads grasp a piece of latex known as a dental dam to be used for oral sex on women. Eng said the organization especially wanted to target the city's young homosexual population. "It's important for young gay (men) and lesbians to see themselves in the ads, because they so infrequently see themselves in anything," he said. "And when you're not part of an image, it's easy to not identify with it." So far, Eng said the ads have not stirred up any controversy. Last week, the federal government unveiled an explicit television ad compaign with celebrities and others talking frankly about using condoms to prevent AIDS.