Exerpts from the Cornell Daily Sun "On 9/2/93, the University named the members of a new group that will add their opinions and concerns to the old - and heated - campus debate on gay issues. No formal adgenda has yet been set for the Working Group on Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual Issues, said Larry I. Palmer, vice president for academic programs and campus affairs - and the group's chairperson. A deadline for action has not been set yet. The University created the group after President Frank H.T. Rhodes vetoed the Student Assembly's March 18 resolution to create a Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual Living Learning Unit... To choose the group, the University talked with various organizations across the campus, including the LGBi Coalition..." The group itself consists of 6 administrators, 3 staff members, 4 faculty members, two graduate student members, and three undergrad students - myself included. ANYONE out there from Cornell who wishes to put in thier two cents about what they feel the group should address please contact myself. Otherwise, if there are any ALUMNI out there & you haven't heard of CUGALAA (the newly reformed Cornell University Gay And Lesbian Alumni Association) contact me as well, I'm also serving for the time being as Alumni Coordinator for the LGBi Coalition. Peace and Love, Rob