* * * NEW HAMPSHIRE * * * Addressing Correspondence TO A SENATOR: TO A REPRESENTATIVE: The Honorable (insert name) The Honorable (insert name) U.S. Senate U.S. House of Representatives Washington D.C. 20510 Washington D.C. 20515 MEMBERS OF THE SENATE Senator Judd Gregg (R) Address: Hart Building, Room 513; Washington, 20510; (202) 224-3324 FAX: 202-224-4952 District Office: Concord 603-225-7115 Committees: Budget, Commerce, Science & Transportation, Labor & Human Resources Term #: 1st Senator Robert C. Smith (R) Address: Dirksen Building, Room 332; Washington, 20510; (202) 224-2841 FAX: 202-224-1353 District Office: Concord 603-228-0453 Committees: Armed Services, Environment & Public Works, Select Ethics, Joint Economic Term #: 1st MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Representative Dick Swett (D) District #: 2 Address: Cannon House Office Bldg, Room 230; Washington 20515; (202) 225-5206 FAX: 202-225-0046 District Office: Concord 603-224-6621 Committees: Public Works & Transportation, Science, Space & Technology Term #: 2nd Representative Bill H. Zeliff, Jr. (R) District #: 1 Address: Cannon House Office Bldg, Room 224; Washington 20515; (202) 225-5456 FAX: 202-225-4370 District Office: Manchester 603-669-6330 Committees: Government Operations, Public Works & Transportation, Small Business Term #: 2nd