In today's Ohio State Lantern (student newspaper) it was announced that the University will no longer give class credit for discriminatory courses being offered in the ROTC program, according to the Council on Academic Affairs. Although all students may take basic (Freshman and Sophomore) courses in ROTC, only Defense Department selections (meaning no Gay, Lesbian or Bisexual students) may take advanced (Junior and Senior) courses in ROTC which leads to commissioning in the armed services. Since Ohio State University bans discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, the ROTC policies do not adhere to this policy. The Ohio State Bisexual, Gay and Lesbian Alliance held protests last Spring against the ROTC departments, and at the end of the quarter requested the Under- graduate Student Government to have the courses removed. The Undergraduate Student Government presented the resolution to the Council on Academic Affairs, listing the discrimination in violation of the University's poliicy. Although this does not remove ROTC from campus, it is a step in that direction. Incidentally, in passing its budget last summer, the State of Ohio slipped in an amendment removing all State budgetary assistance to any University which discriminated against the Defense Department. Charlie