Date: Sat, 20 Aug 94 19:45:40 CST To: From: KEVYN JACOBS Subject: OCTOBER 1994 BGLS Conference 1994 BGLS Conference To Quote the grand diva Deb Taylor (aka Evita), "here's the skinny" on the upcoming BGLS conference (October 10-15....remember October 11 is National Coming Out Day.) None of this is etched in stone, however, this is what we have planned thus far assuming scheduling and loose ends are taken care of. WORKSHOP / SESSION IDEAS a. Homophobia on campus: stories of discrimination, harassment and intolerance on campus based on one's sexual orientation (this may not be linked to Kansas State); we will also try to incorporate the KSU GLB Task Force findings from the survey that was conducted and perhaps some of the recommendations that were suggested by Student Life Office (important Big Wigs across campus will be personally invited so that they can become aware that exists at K-State) b. Understanding the diversity of GLB relationships: this will help parents and friends (as well as ourselves) understand the nature and complexities of our relationships in an effort to move toward increased acceptance and celebration of these relationships. c. "Sacred Lies, Civil Truths" : this will be a brown bag lunch video and discussion in the Union. d. A more perfect Union; Why Straight America must stand up for Gay Rights (this will not be a radical, militant session, just one that provides insight on why GLBs must be included in legislation and all facets of everyday life) e. Coming Out Issues / Why I am Gay: this is similar to last year's session, but it will have a somewhat different twist to it. f. Being an Ally g. Debunking the Straight Agenda: this is a response to the video that was distributed to churches across the nation which turned many religious groups against our community. h. Homosexuality & Religion OTHER WONDERFUL THINGS PLANNED: 1. Tuesday Night Open Mike at Espresso Royale 2. Wednesday and Friday theatrical performances 3. Family Night Party at Revolutions 4. A Party on Friday Night 5. Variety show Saturday night at Union Station 6. t-shirts: a gay and straight t-shirt Your assistance is greatly needed. A community is only as strong as its members. Please call Frank at 532.2356 to volunteer your services. Don't worry, this requires no financial obligations on your behalf, however, we are always accepting donations. Receipts will be provided for those who request one. The majority of these workshops will be during he week, but, some will happen in the afternoon as brown bags allow faculty, staff and students to attend. What we want is: a better Quality of life and increased Understanding of our community brought about by Education and the legal guarantee of our Equal Rights. (Clever, isn't it?)