>From: PMDAtropos >Date: Thu, 1 Sep 1994 09:03:05 -0400 [ Send all responses to keithcla@netcom.com only. All responses to the list or list owner will be returned! ] After being sued by the writer it had hired to dig into the Phelps Family Cult, and after being raked over the journalistic coals in their area, the "Topeka Capital-Journal" finally did the right thing and published a week-long set of excerpts from Jon Michael Bell's startling manuscript "Addicted to Hate." The "Capital-Journal" series of excerpts, entitled "Hate for the Love of God," finally saw the printed page in July, and Bell has now dropped his lawsuit against the newspaper's owners, Stauffer Communications. (As some of you already know, it was by attaching the 170-some page manuscript of his work to the suit that it became public, thereby leading to the bad publicity for the paper.) Although Bell has dropped his suit, the ownership of the book manuscript of "Addicted to Hate" is still unclear. Stauffer had initially claimed it owned the Bell's book, although it had only commissioned a series of articles. Bell recently said that he was happy the "Capital-Journal" had published some of his material and suggested that "both Stauffer and I should renounce all further claims to the copyright." Instead, Bell suggested that all profits from sales of the book (which was to have been published by Andrews & McMeel of Kansas City) go to the Topeka AIDS Project, one of Phelps' most frequent local targets in his "God hates fags" picketing circuses. Sweet Goddess, I love irony. Keith