Date: Thu, 24 Nov 1994 18:59:59 -0600 (CST) From: A Preacher of the Gospel Subject: WBC to picket Maya Angelou meeting in Kansas City NEWS RELEASE WBC TO PICKET PERVERT POET MAYA, & HER DEVIL'S ANGELS Black Female Dyke Poet Maya Angelou is a child of the Devil, peddling her satanic father's fag lies. (Jn. 8:44) She's dangerous becuase she plays the race card, the female card, & the poor-little-broken-home-orphan card like a fiddle to gullible fools who give her money. (Maya's also getting old (66), & when she dies WBC'll picket her funeral to warn the living.) The Devil is mad because when Maya brought her dog & pony fag show to Topeka, WBC preached to her; Maya didn't like WBC's Gospel preaching, cancelled her Emporia show, blaming WBC. Now the Devil's messengers (angels) are holding a meeting to whine & bawl about WBC's Gospel preaching. WBC WILL PICKET THAT MEETING ON NOV. 26 AT 707 W 47 IN KCMO AT 10 A.M. Matthew 24:41 "Depart from me, ye cused, into everlating fire, prepared for the devil and his angels" Maya wasn't a dyke when her name was Meg Johnson of Stamps, Arkansas!