Date: Mon, 20 Feb 1995 15:12:18 -0600 (CST) From: Kevyn Jacobs Subject: MAISTREAM COALITION QUESTIONNAIRE - ANSWERS Friends: What follows are the results of the questionnaire that the Flint Hills Mainstream Coalition sent out to the candidates running for USD 383 School Board. ==================================================== FLINT HILLS MAINSTREAM COALITION USD #383 CANDIDATE FORUM QUESTIONNAIRE KEY: RC = Rick Crow PG = Peter Garretson CH = Colleen Hampton JH = Joleen Hill PM = Phil Morgan MN = Mary Nichols DN = Deb Nuss MP = Michael Pearson LW = Larry Weaver KW = Kim Wells =================================================================== Rick Crow, Colleen Hampton & Kim Wells declined to answer the questionnaire or participate in the mainstream coalition forum on Sunday, February 19, 1995. Peter Garretson sent a letter instead of returning the questionnaire, and did attend the candidates' forum. Regarding comments: Based on word number limitations set by the Coalition, the editor reported complete phrases or sentences, as close to the limitations as possible, in this summary. Blank answers indicate that no response to the questionnaire was received. ======================================================================= QUESTIONS: 1. Do you support age-appropriate sex education which includes: a. discussion of contraception? Yes No b. discussion of abortion? Yes No c. discussion of AIDS? Yes No d. discussion of abstinence as the best protection against disease and pregnancy? Yes No e. promotion of abstinence as the only acceptable protection against disease and pregnancy before marriage? Yes No RC: PG: CH: JH: PM: MN: DN: MP: LW: KW: a. a. a. a. Y a. Y a. Y a. Y a. Y a. Y a. b. b. b. b. Y b. Y b. Y b. Y b. Y b. Y b. c. c. c. c. Y c. Y c. Y c. Y c. Y c. Y c. d. d. d. d. Y d. Y d. Y d. Y d. Y d. Y d. e. e. e. e. N e. N e. N e. N e. N e. N e. Comments: HILL: "I support the USD 383 human sexuality curriculum. It is sequential comprehensive and encompasses K-12 in its scope. As far as the unit in 8th grade, commonly called "sex ed.," this unit is taught by highly qualified and sensitive teachers. There is an "opt out" provision that few utilize when they familiarize with the content of the unit and the emphasis on dialogue between parents and student. I do not believe an alternative curriculum should be offered." MORGAN: "I want my children to have as much EDUCATION as is possible." NICHOLS: "Common sense must prevail. Incest, date rape and abuse do happen." NUSS: "Reference 1.e - I support discussion of abstinence as being the only method of protection which is 100% effective against disease and pregnancy before marriage, but I also recognize and understand the importance of discussion regarding other methods of protection with their associated benefits and risks." PEARSON: "Abstinence should be encouraged and promoted as the only protection which is guaranteed to prevent pregnancy or the contraction of AIDS, and other sexually transmitted diseases. However, students need to be educated with all the facts so that they will be able to make intelligent and knowledgeable decisions." WEAVER: "We already have a good health program in place and sex education is one important part of that program. Sex education is not just about biology, it is also about emotions, actions, consequences and personal responsibilities. This education needs to take place at home, at church, and at school." ======================================================================== 2. Do you support teaching in science classes of: a. the Biblical account of creation or creationism? Yes No b. the scientific theory of evolution? Yes No c. both? Yes No RC: PG: CH: JH: PM: MN: DN: MP: LW: KW: a. a. a. a. N a. Y a. a. N a. N a. N a. b. b. b. b. Y b. Y b. Y b. Y b. Y b. Y b. c. c. c. c. N c. Y c. c. N c. N c. N c. Comments: HILL: "I believe public schools should teach scientific theory, not religious beliefs, in science classes." MORGAN: "I want my children to have insight to as many topics as is available." NICHOLS: "Critical thinking skills are needed in science, too. In reality, many theories and myths exist." NUSS: "I would be comfortable with discussions of creationism in classes such as Social Studies, World History, or Humanities where the study of various cultures and/or religions leads to a deeper understanding of our present day world. As the biblical account of creation or creationism has no basis in fact (and is based on a belief), I would not be comfortable with discussions of this nature in science classes." WEAVER: "Students who understand evolutionary ideas have an enormous advantage in learning modern science. I want that advantage for our kids. They also should learn that science never provides a final single picture. Discussion of what constitutes scientific evidence and the nature of scientific theories should be encouraged." ======================================================================== 3. Do you support during classes or at school events: a. school-sponsored prayer? Yes No b. student-led prayer? Yes No c. compulsory silent period? Yes No d. no prayer or compulsory silent period? Yes No RC: PG: CH: JH: PM: MN: DN: MP: LW: KW: a. a. a. a. N a. N a. N a. N a. N a. N a. b. b. b. b. N b. N b. N b. N b. N b. N b. c. c. c. c. N c. N c. c. N c. N c. N c. d. d. d. d. Y d. N d. N d. Y d. Y d. Y d. Comments: HILL: "A school district must adhere to state statutes and federal law. I personally believe in the separation of church and state." MORGAN: "I support choice, I support respecting someone who wishes to say grace and someone who doesn't. I support no trying to control other people. I support the law." NICHOLS: "As long as there are tests, there will be prayers in schools. I believe prayers should be private, not public in PUBLIC schools." NUSS: "The Constitution very clearly provides for the separation of church and state. Prayer of any nature during school or at school events while respecting the rights of one individual or group necessarily ignores or denies the rights of others." PEARSON: "Considering the diversity of religious beliefs, it would be nearly impossible to encompass everyone in a school or student led prayer. If I felt a majority of the community wanted a compulsory silent period, I would at that point support a compulsory silent period." WEAVER: "The State should not sponsor religious activities. Religion will come up in school because one can't understand much of history or politics without paying attention to the religious ideas that have often motivated people. For example, the civil rights movement had powerful religious overtones which ought to be discussed." ======================================================================== 4. Do you support the discussion of TOLERANCE for lifestyles, such as: a. single parent households? Yes No b. interracial households? Yes No c. homosexual households? Yes No d. unmarried heterosexual households? Yes No RC: PG: CH: JH: PM: MN: DN: MP: LW: KW: a. a. a. a. Y a. Y a. Y a. Y a. Y a. Y a. b. b. b. b. Y b. Y b. Y b. Y b. Y b. Y b. c. c. c. c. Y c. Y c. Y c. Y c. Y c. Y c. d. d. d. d. Y d. Y d. Y d. Y d. Y d. Y d. Comments: HILL: "In all things, I would hope we have a respect for others. It appears to me that age-appropriate discussion is healthy for students." MORGAN: "I want my children to be aware, or EDUCATED, on any possible situation that may occur in life." NICHOLS: "Tolerance is not promotion. Remember KIDS didn't get to choose their 'family' lifestyle." NUSS: "While I would prefer the word 'acceptance' rather than tolerance, discussion of tolerance of lifestyles should be done in such a way that it helps students recognize that individuals make the choices they do for a variety of reasons and one choice is not better or worse than another. Discussion should not promote one lifestyle over another, but recognize that they exist." PEARSON: "By definition, to tolerate is to recognize the practice of others whether agreeing with them or not. Students should be informed about different lifestyles. However one lifestyle over another should never be encouraged as the 'proper' lifestyle." WEAVER: "I don't think we can teach tolerance from books but we can and should talk about it. The goal is for students to be well prepared to live and work in a United States that is increasingly multiracial and multicultural." ======================================================================== 5. Do you think the Quality Program Accreditation (QPA) model for school improvement: a. should be modified? Yes No b. should be continued in its present form? Yes No c. should be discarded? Yes No RC: PG: CH: JH: PM: MN: DN: MP: LW: KW: a. a. a. a. Y a. Y a. Y a. Y a. Y a. Y a. b. b. b. b. N b. N b. N b. N b. N b. N b. c. c. c. c. N c. N c. N c. N c. N c. N c. Comments: HILL: "I believe that Quality Performance Accreditation serves as an effective assessment process for our school district. QPA uses both quantitative and qualitative means of measuring our student's abilities in the area of writing, reading, math and science. A school then receives accreditation based on the quality of education our students have received in these areas..." MORGAN: We are trying to have some type of assessment or evaluation. QPA may need to have some modification. Our teachers should be teaching and not being taken away for paperwork that may not be necessary." NICHOLS: "QPA needs some work but the basic tenets - RESULTS - are what education is about." NUSS: "I think the premise behind QPA is good - one where school districts are being asked to be accountable for more than the number of books in the library and the square footage of their facilities. They are being asked to be accountable for quality instruction and learning. I also think it is too early to tell whether or not QPA has accomplished what was intended..." PEARSON: "I do not think that one standard for all schools is an accurate reflection of how good a job a particular school is doing." WEAVER: It is important to assess English and math skills and ability to use knowledge of science and history. Some other current outcomes may be desirable but are not measurable and we shouldn't try to measure them. Trying to assess such outcomes is needlessly time consuming for teachers." ======================================================================== 6. Do you support a school voucher system which would permit students to attend: a. private schools with public monies? Yes No b. any public school of their choice? Yes No c. no voucher system? Yes No RC: PG: CH: JH: PM: MN: DN: MP: LW: KW: a. a. a. a. N a. N a. N a. N a. N a. N a. b. b. b. b. N b. N b. Y b. Y b. N b. N b. c. c. c. c. Y c. N c. Y c. c. Y c. Y c. Comments: HILL: "I oppose the use of public funds for nonpublic elementary and secondary education." MORGAN: "There must be some structure and organization to school districts that determines where children attend all schools in the district should offer equal educational opportunities." NICHOLS: "Space is an issue here. Special education is an issue here. But money remains the biggest issue." NUSS: "I would support a school voucher that would permit students to attend any public school of their choice if adequate measures were taken to ensure that inequities were not created in terms of program and funding. The State Board of Education or local School Board as appropriate would need to provide oversight and guidance under such a system." PEARSON: "All children are given the right to a public education. The decision to attend a private institution is a personal one in which cost among other factors should be taken into consideration." WEAVER: "Our public education system is base on the idea that the entire community is responsible for the education of its children. We all benefit from the system so we all support it. A voucher system undermines this concept by using public money in schools that aren't accountable to the community." ======================================================================== OTHER ISSUES: There are many issues that rest with our locally-elected school board members to decide. Are there specific issue(s) you believe need priority attention? If so, please list and/or explain in 100 words or less. HILL: "*Being responsive to parents and helping them to have meaningful roles as responsible partners in the education theme (the teacher the student and the parents.) *Addressing the goals the district sets by the community strategic planning process - Manhattan/Ogden 2000 *Further efforts to incorporate technology into the classroom *Insuring that the education plans for the new middle schools address the unique needs of early adolescents *Helping the development of transitional opportunities for the ninth grade at the east campus of Manhattan High." MORGAN: "There are many issues facing our school board. Each in its own way can affect our children. However we cannot lose sight of our main issue and that is the EDUCATION OF OUR CHILDREN. Are we putting our children in the best possible environment for learning. We can not let political issues completely cloud educational issues. I am sensitive to and listen to each person's opinion, but giving our children the best possible education is of upmost importance." NICHOLS: "Funding - school finance is complex. Mandates are unfunded so many have carved out of the general fund precious dollars. Morale - budget cutting and no optimistic future funding hopes create an atmosphere that "we don't care about kids" just keep it cheap. There are no 'quick fixes' (even QPA) but support for education must be a priority of our taxes." NUSS: "Providing a quality education to the students who attend schools in USD #383 is my top priority. Ensuring that the educational quality which already exists is not compromised and improving quality in areas where the public expects it is dependent upon the fiscal integrity of our district. In considering all options relative to the budget (ie., cutting programs, assessing fees, LOB, or a combination of all three), our local Board of Education must be cognizant of what is educationally in the best interest of the students. Communication between school, home, and community is essential to assuring that the educational needs of students is being met. Parents and community members should be encouraged to participate in the educational experiences of their children in such a way that district teachers and staff are supported and acknowledged for their dedication and hard work...." PEARSON: "The budget is an issue the board needs to look at in depth. With taxpayers so concerned about their tax dollars and how its spent, and with the real possibility of a LOB increase in the immediate future. The board needs to examine the various programs and costs associated with all programs to insure the community and taxpayers are getting the most for their money and that any LOB increase is really needed." WEAVER: "Good public schools are essential to the future well-being of our community. This means that all of us have a stake in their quality. That is why the School Board needs input from the people and why the quality of the schools should be regularly assessed. I want to help strengthen the system so that all kids get the best preparation we can provide for their futures. This means all sorts of kids, not only the honor students but also those with other talents who will keep our society strong by living happy and productive lives."