FACTS ABOUT THE KANSAS LEGISLATURE HOW TO CONTACT YOUR LEGISLATOR: When the legislature is in session, merely write to the legislator at: State Capitol, Topeka, KS 66612. Or call: Senate Switchboard (to call any Senator) 913.296.7300; House Switchboard (to call any Representative) 913.296.7500. NOTE: The Senate and House Switchboards are in operation only during legislative sesssions. TO OBTAIN COPIES OF BILLS: For copies of bills, calendars, journals, etc., contact Legislative Document Room, RM 145-N, State Capitol, Topeka, KS 66612. Or call 913.296.7394. MEMBERSHIP AND VOTING: HOUSE: The House has 125 members. 63 required to pass a bill. 84 votes required to propose constitutional amendment or to override a governor's veto. SENATE: The Senate has 40 members. 21 votes required to to pass a bill. 27 votes required to propose constitutional amendment or override a governor's veto. TERMS OF OFFICE: HOUSE: 2 years, next election Nov.1994 SENATE: 4 years, next election Nov.1996 STANDING COMMITTEES: There are 20 standing comittees in the House of Representatives and 17 in the Senate. For lists of committee members contact the Division of Legislative Administrtive Services, RM 511-S, State Capitol, Topeks, KS 66612. PHONE: 913.296.2391. REGULAR SESSIONS: Regular sessions start the second Monday in January and last approximately 90 calendar days. NORMAL TIME OF CONVENING: The full House usually meets at 10:00 AM; the full Senate usually meets at 2:30 PM, but times may vary from day to day. When legislators aren't in full meeting they are meeting in committees and it can be very difficult to catch them. Leave a message and most will return your call.