Here is the Idaho Citizens Alliance proposed anti-gay initiative. Proposed Title 67, Chapter 80 Idaho Code. Section 67-8001:Purpose of Act. The provisions of Title 67, Chapter 80 of the Idaho Code are enacted by the people of the State of Idaho in recognition that homosexuality shall not form the basis for the granting of minority status. This chapter is promulgated in furtherance of the provisions of Article 3 Section 24 of the Constitution of the State of Idaho. Section 67-8002:Special Rights For Persons Who Engage In Homosexual Behavior Prohibited. No agency, department, or political subdivision of the State of Idaho shall enact or adopt any law, rule, policy, or agreement which has the purpose or effect of granting minority status to persons who engage in homosexual behavior; therefore, affirmative action, quota preferences, and special classifications such as "sexual orientation" or similar designations shall not be established on the basis of homosexuality. All private persons shall be guaranteed equal protection of the law in the full and free exercise of all rights enumerated and guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution, the Constitution of the State of Idaho, and federal and state law. All existing civil rights based on race, color, religion, gender, age, or national origin are reaffirmed, and public services shall be available to all persons on an equal basis. Section 67-8003:Extension of Legal Recognition of Marriage To Domestic Partnerships On Homosexual Behavior Prohibited. Same-sex marriages and domestic partnerships are hereby declared to be against public policy and shall not be legally recognized in any manner by any agency, department, or political subdivision of the State of Idaho. Section 67-8004:Public Schools. No employee, representative, or agent of any public elementary or secondary school shall, in connection with school activities, promote, sanction, or endorse,homosexuality as a healthy, approved or acceptable behavior. Subject to the provisions of federal law, any discussion of homosexuality within such schools shall be age- appropriate as defined and authorized by the local school board of trustees. Counseling of public school students regarding such student's sexual identity shall conform in the foregoing. Section 67-8005:Expenditure of Public Funds. No agency, department or political subdivision of the State of Idaho shall expend public funds in a manner that has the purpose or effect of promoting, making acceptable, or expressing approval of homosexuality. This section shall not prohibit government from providing positive guidance toward persons experiencing difficulty with sexual identity. This section shall not limit the availability in public libraries of books and materials written for adults which address homosexuality, provided access to such materials is limited to adults and meets local standards as established through the normal library review process. Section 67-8006:Employment Factors. With regard to public employees, no agency, department or political subdivision of the State of Idaho shall forbid generally the consideration of private sexual behaviors as non-job factors, provided that compliance with the Title 67, Chapter 80, Idaho Code is maintained, and that such factors do not disrupt the workplace. Section 67-8007:Severability. The people intend, that if any part of this enactment be found unconstitutional, the remaining parts shall survive in full force and effect. This section shall be in all parts self-executing.