This is a "fact" sheet that the 700 Club sends out to those who request it. Enjoy. --Julie -------- The 700 Club Fact Sheet The Facts "A _Hawaiian Tidal Wave_ powerful enough to reconfigure the nation's social and political landscape is headed for the mainland." This is according to syndicated columnist Deb Price, an avowed lesbian who is referring to _a pending Hawaii Supreme Court decision that could legalize same-sex marriages in that state-and have ramifications across America._ Currently, Hawaiian law limits marriage to members of the opposite sex. But in the wake of a lawsuit by three homosexual couples who want to wed, the state's high court is sending signals that the _current marriage law may be illegal._ The Hawaii Supreme Court has pointed to Hawaii's own "Equal Rights Amendment" as the basis for the contention. The court is viewing marriage restrictions as possible "gender discrimination," and is _ordering the state to demonstrate a "compelling" reason to deny same-sex marriage._ If the state cannot prove its case, homosexual marriages could become legal in Hawaii by 1995. That's when the tidal wave engulfing America's 49 other states could begin. Here's why. _Article 4 of the Constitution_ says, "Full faith and credit shall be given in each state for the public acts, records and proceedings of every other state." Thus, laws passed in one state, it can be argued, must be honored in other states. All 500 states have a _reciprocal arrangement concerning marriage laws-so that a couple legally married in one state is considered married by the other states._ Divisive court battles would ultimately decide whether other states honor Hawaii's homosexua l marriages. Furthermore, the _Internal Revenue Service_ allows each state to determine marital legality, meaning married homosexuals could likely file joint federal tax returns. Many Hawaiians are supporting the attorney general's defense of current marriage laws. A recent survey reported that _58 percent of Hawaiians oppose same-sex marriages._ Mike Gabbard, who heads Common Sense Now (a group formed to defend traditional marr iage), says this court case is "an aggressive attempt by homosexual activists and their supporters to raise the level of homosexual relationships to heterosexual relationships." If homosexual marriages prevail, _Honolulu Mayor Frank Fasi fears his city could quickly become the "gay capital of the world." More fundamentally, he worries that homosexual marriages in Hawaii could forewarn the inevitable downfall of America: "Once y ou destroy the foundation that made this nation what it is today-the family-like every great nation in the history of civilization, we will go down the tubes." Ben and Jay Respond Ben Kinchlow-"What we are talking about here is not discrimination against individuals. We're talking about sexual preference, which means that anyone based on their sexual preferences-incest, pedophilia-has the right to come to court and demand their le gal rights to practice it." Jay Sekulow-"Sodomy is a crime in Hawaii. Also, given what the U.S. Constitution says, if Hawaii recognizes homosexual marriages, it may be argued successfully that different states will also have to recognize those marriages as well. A tidal wave openi ng is correct-it's a very dangerous undercutting of the family." Standards To Live By "You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination...(F)or by all these the nations which I am casting out before you have become defiled. For the land has become defiled, therefore I have visited its punishment upon it, so th e land has spewed out its inhabitants." *Leviticus 18:22, 24-25* "God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error." *Roman 1:26, 27* What You Can Do Contact Ministries to Homosexuals Exodus Ministries P.O. Box 2121 San Rafael, CA 94912 415/454-1017 Get a Free Copy of "Gay Lib" Booklet The Christian Broadcasting Network 700 CBN Center Virginia Beach, VA 23463 804/420-0700