Date: Sun, 6 Mar 1994 14:32:00 EDT From: Song Weaver Subject: HAWAII MARRIAGE LAWS, MARCH 4 Hawaii's Senate Judiciary Committee held two bills in committee today, SB3141 and SB3199, effectively preventing further consideration of those exact bills during the 1994 legislative session. SB3141 would have created a very liberal, state-wide domestic partnership for same sex couples; SB3199 would have amended the constitution to restrict marriage to male-female couples. The remaining marriage bill (HB2312) remains alive until April 8; HB2312 had passed the House by 34-17 early in the session and defines marriage as between a man and a woman but is not a constitutional amendment. It is conjectured that the Senate Judiciary Chairman Rey Graulty will explore various amendments to HB2312 to try put together six votes in the committee for some "compromise" bill (the Senate Judiciary Committee has 10 members). Supporters of same sex marriage in Hawaii are also helping those legislators who continue to defend us. This involves fundraising, mailing, etc. We have almost no funds for political campaigns (these are not tax-deductible and therefore harder to raise). The tax-deductible funds will run out March 31, at which time the Marriage Project Office will have to close. WE NEED TO KEEP THAT OFFICE OPEN TO THE END OF THE LEGISLATIVE SESSION IN MID-MAY. WE ALSO FACE $30,000 IN CONTINUING COURT COSTS FOR THE COURT CASE TO ACHIEVE FULL MARRIAGE RIGHTS. Tax-deductible contributions to Hawaii's Equal Rights Marriage Project may be sent to GLCC/Marriage Project, 1820 University Ave., Room 8, Honolulu, HI 96822. To help support gay-friendly candidates, please send (non-tax-deductible) contributions can be sent to Alliance For Equal Rights, 2139 Chamberlain St., Honolulu, HI 96822. The telephone number for the marriage project is (808)942-3737. E-mail inquiries can be posted to