-----------------Begin MLSUPP------------------- TO: All Media CONTACTS: Dan Foley, Attorney: 526-9500 RE: Equal Rights Carl Varady, ACLU: 545-1722 DATE: June 1, 1993 GLCC Office: 951-7000 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE SAME-SEX MARRIAGE HAWAII EQUAL RIGHTS PROPONENTS URGE 'MAINLAND' SUPPORT Riding the crest of the equal rights wave, organizers for the Hawaii Equal Rights Marriage Project (HERMP) call for the participation of the national lesbian, gay, and bisexual community. With the Hawaii Supreme Court's decision declaring the state ban against same-sex marriage unconstitutional unless the state can prove a compelling state interest, Hawaii is on the way to being the first state to legally recognize same-sex marriages. With this will come the entitlement of over 100 civil rights and privileges previously denied to lesbian & gay couples; health care benefits, survivorship laws, and tax deductions to name a few. If same-sex marriage is legalized in Hawaii, the burden will then be on other states to to justify not recognizing marriages performed in Hawaii. A victory in Hawaii will bring other states one step closer to full recognition of equal rights. Community members and community-supportive people interested in joining the forefront of the marriage rights pursuit should contact the Hawaii Equal Rights Marriage Project (HERMP), c/o the Gay & Lesbian Community Center (GLCC) of Hawaii, 1820 University Ave. #8, Honolulu, HI 96822, tel: (808) 951-7000. HERMP is an all- volunteer, grassroots, tax-deductible, 501(c)(3) group, striving to promote loving relationships. -----------------End MLSUPP---------------------