SAME-SEX MARRIAGES COMING TO HAWAII On May 5, 1993, the Supreme Court of Hawai ruled in the case of Baehr et al. v. Lewin that the denial of marriage licenses to same-sex couples is sex discrimination. The court ruled that unless the State of Hawaii can demonstrate a compelling state interest narrowly drawn to avoid unnecessary abridgments of constitutional rights, same-sex marriages will be legal, consummated, and recognized in the State of Hawaii. The Supreme Court of Hawaii sent the case back to the lower court for further hearings. Given the heavy burden the State of Hawaii must demonstrate in the lower court, the attorney for the gay and lesbian couples in the case is confident that they will prevail in the lower court and again in the Supreme Court of Hawaii -- all within the next two years. Should the Supreme Court of Hawaii uphold same-sex marriages as expected, gay and lesbian couples throughout the United States will benefit. Under the full faith and credit clause of the United States Constitution, a state must recognized the acts, decrees, and judgments of another state. There is no residency requirement for marriage in the State of Hawaii. Currently, couples from Japan marry and honeymoon in Hawaii. Same- sex couples from throughout the United States could come to Hawaii, marry, and return to their own state. The Supreme Court of Hawaii's decision in Baehr et al. v. Lewin is possibly the most important legal victory for gay, lesbian and bisexual people in the United States to date. The case is not over. In order to secure complete victory in Hawaii and ultimately throughout the United States, the gay and lesbian couples bringing this case need your assistance to defray their legal fees and costs. If you believe in equal rights for all couples, we ask for your support. The recognition of same-sex marriages in the State of Hawaii and in other states will ensure that same-sex couples have equal access to health care, employment benefits, tax incentives, public assistance, personal and real property rights, and hundreds of other legal rights and benefits. There is no more important case pending in the nation. We ask for your support. Please send your tax-deductible contribution to the non-profit (IRS tax- exempt # 237387405) Gay and Lesbian Community Center, 1820 University Avenue #8, Honolulu, HI 96822; contributions should be made payable to GLCC/HERMP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I want to help make same-sex marriages legal. Here is my contribution: ___$5000 ___$1000 ___$500 ___$250 ___$100 ___$50 ___$25 ___$ Other ___Please keep my gift confidential. MAIL TO: GLCC/HERMP, 1820 University Avenue #8, Honolulu, HI 96822