Date: Mon, 24 Feb 1997 23:40:40 -0500 (EST) From: A Jay Eddy Subject: Letters to Editor - Altanta Bombing Broward Log Cabin Club of Florida P.O. Box 1281, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 44402 (954) 563-3626 Contact: M. Warren,Pres. ---------------------------------------------------------------- February 23, 1997 Letters to the Editor STOP PROLIFERATING GAY INTOLERANCE All caring and concerned Americans deplore the February terrorist bombing of an Atlanta club, The Otherside. Those who directly and/or indirectly support a variety of militant anti-gay positions, so vigorously espoused by a pre- judging band of evangelical political activists, must face the reality that such messaging germinates the seeds of bigotry and hate festering in the emotionally twisted minds of fear mongers who are proned to acts of violence. The continuing barrage of intolerant attacks against the non- heterosexual community by evangelical-fundamentalists like Gary Bauer, Rev. Phelps, Ralph Reed, Rev. Sheldon, D.James Kennedy, Rev. Agee, Pat Robertson, Beverly LeHaye, etc. must be recognized for what they are and what they do in demonizing gay women and men who are caring, loving and hard-working citizens of this diverse and great country. Rather than scapegoating all the ills of the over-worked, stressed, and financially strapped American Family onto the backs of non-heterosexuals, the truly righteous must reaffirm the essence of the "Golden Rule" in the minds and hearts of those who could be easily misguided by targeted intolerance. It is essential that socially conservative evangelical leaders immediately address their followers. It is imperative that violent and intolerable acts, like the bombing of an Atlanta bar, not proliferate. Once again there must be a reaffirmation not only of "Freedom of Religion" but "Freedom from Religious Persecution." M.Warren Ft. Lauderdale