Please distribute this information and Call to Action to your lists: According to a 7\19\93 L.A. Times editorial, 126 federal judgeships out of a total of 828 -- one sixth -- have not been filled by President Clinton. He has not appointed a single federal judge during his tenure in office. Together, former presidents Bush and Reagan "appointed more than 550 judges, or almost 70% of those now sitting. They are disproportionately white, male and wealthy. And they have tilted federal jurisprudence decidedly to the right, often through activism of a conservative stripe. "Clinton promised to make the federal judiciary look more like the American people. So far he has failed to deliver. If he is sincere in his promise - and his appointments to other federal posts indicate he is - why then has he nominated no judges other than Ginsburg?... "The huge number of vacancies constitutes a problem for those with cases before the federal bench. Clinton must act now. He should focus not on judicial ideology but should instead articulate a set of values that he seeks in federal judges; values such as intelligence, compassion and a commitment to public service should be high on the list. Once the President does this, he will find among potential nominees - despite limitations in the existing pool - enough diversity and excellence to end this shortage." ACTION: Write\call\fax President Clinton today, urging him to immediately begin the process of filling those 126 vacancies!