If any of these are in error, please e-mail larry@bradley.edu. Thanks, and PLEASE call..... Bill Clinton President of the United States 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, NW 202/456-1111 (White House Comments Line) Washington, DC 20500 202/456-2883 (fax) The President 202/456-1414 [switchboard] Alternate White House fax number: 202/456-2461 Unverified (1/29/93 1:30 PM) E-mail address: 75300.3115@compuserve.com Vice-President 202/456-7125 Senator Sam Nunn (D-GA) Chairman 202/224-3521 Senate Armed Services Committee 202/224-0072 (fax) Committee's Office Number 202/224-3871 The Honorable Les Aspin Secretary of Defense 1000 Defense, The Pentagon 703/695-5261 Washington, DC 20301-1000 202/647-9080 (fax) Gen. Colin L. Powell Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff The Pentagon 703/697-9121 Washington, DC 20301-5000 703/697-8758 (fax) Alternate fax for General Powell: 202/697-9758 The Pentagon's Public Affairs Bureau is tallying calls pro and con the military ban: 703/697-5737 [Pentagon switchboard] 703/545-6700 vox: 703/697-9121 [not busy very often] DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE (703) 695-5261 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES (202) 245-7000 DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE (202) 514-2000 US COMMISSION ON CIVIL RIGHTS (202) 523-5571 House Armed Services Committee (Chair: Rep. Ron Dellums (D-CA)) 2120 RHOB Washington, DC 20515 202/225-4151 Senate Armed Services Committee (Chair: Sen. Sam Nunn (D-GA)) SR-228 Washington, DC 20510 202/224-3871 To get any Congressperson's number (Senate or House), call the Congress switchboard at 202/224-3121 or 202/225-3121. Ask for the Congressperson you want. If the line is busy (it probably will be), they'll give you the direct line number, so have a pen ready. Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) 112 Hart Senate Office Bldg. 202/224-3553 Washington D.C. 20510 415/403-0100 (SF office) 310/914-7300 (LA office) Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) 202/224-3841 367 Dirksen Bldg 202/224-0656 (fax) Washington D.C. 20510 415/249-4777 (SF office) 310/414-5705 (LA office) Senator George Mitchell (D-ME) 202/224-5344 Senate Majority Leader 202/224-6853 (fax) Majority Leader 202/224-5556 Senator Robert Dole (R-KS) Senate Minority Leader 202/224-6521 Minority Leader 202/224-3135 Senator Robert Byrd (D-WV) President Pro Tem of the Senate 202/224-8070 (fax) Senator Ted Kennedy (D-MA) 202/224-4543 Senator John Kerry (D-MA) 202/224-2742 Senator John Glenn (D-OH) 202/224-3353 Senator Al D'Amato (R-NY) 202/224-6542 Rep. Richard Gephardt House Majority Leader 202/225-7452 (fax) SENATE Majority Whip 224-2158 Minority Whip 224-2708 HOUSE Speaker of the House 225-5604 Majority Leader 225-0100 Majority Whip 225-3130 Minority Leader 225-0600 Minority Whip 225-0197