** 1993 CQ HOUSE VOTE 315 ** HR2492. Fiscal 1994 D.C. Appropriations - Domestic Partners. Separate vote at the request of Solomon, R-N.Y., on the amendment adopted in the Committee of the Whole offered by Istook, R-Okla., to prohibit funds from enforcing the District's Domestic Partners Ordinance which allows unmarried couples or partners to be eligible for benefits offered married couples. Adopted 253-167: R 158-14; D 95-152 (ND 42-124, SD 53-28); I 0-1, June 30, 1993. (On separate votes, which may be demanded on an amendment adopted in the Committee of the Whole, the four delegates and the resident commissioner of Puerto Rico cannot vote. See vote 313.) *** YEAS(253) ****************************************************** DEMOCRATS (95) Andrews M (TX) Hamilton L (IN) Penny T (MN) Baesler S (KY) Hayes J (LA) Peterson C (MN) Barca P (WI) Hefner W (NC) Peterson P (FL) Barcia J (MI) Holden T (PA) Pickett O (VA) Barlow T (KY) Hutto E (FL) Pomeroy E (ND) Barrett T (WI) Inslee J (WA) Poshard G (IL) Bevill T (AL) Johnson D (GA) Rahall N (WV) Bilbray J (NV) Johnson T (SD) Roemer T (IN) Boucher R (VA) Kanjorski P (PA) Rose C (NC) Brewster B (OK) Kaptur M (OH) Rowland J (GA) Brooks J (TX) Kleczka G (WI) Sangmeister G (IL) Browder G (AL) Klink R (PA) Sarpalius B (TX) Brown S (OH) LaFalce J (NY) Shepherd K (UT) Chapman J (TX) Lambert B (AR) Skelton I (MO) Clement B (TN) Lancaster H (NC) Slattery J (KS) Cooper J (TN) Lipinski W (IL) Spratt J (SC) Costello J (IL) Lloyd M (TN) Stenholm C (TX) Cramer R (AL) Mann D (OH) Stupak B (MI) Danner P (MO) Manton T (NY) Swett D (NH) Darden G (GA) Mazzoli R (KY) Tanner J (TN) de la Garza E (TX) McCurdy D (OK) Tauzin W (LA) Deal N (GA) McHale P (PA) Taylor G (MS) Derrick B (SC) McNulty M (NY) Tejeda F (TX) Edwards C (TX) Mollohan A (WV) Thornton R (AR) English G (OK) Montgomery G (MS) Traficant J (OH) Frost M (TX) Murphy A (PA) Tucker W (CA) Geren P (TX) Murtha J (PA) Valentine T (NC) Gibbons S (FL) Neal S (NC) Volkmer H (MO) Gordon B (TN) Ortiz S (TX) Whitten J (MS) Green G (TX) Orton B (UT) Wilson C (TX) Hall R (TX) Parker M (MS) Wise B (WV) Hall T (OH) Payne L (VA) INDEPENDENTS (0) REPUBLICANS (158) Allard W (CO) Gillmor P (OH) Moorhead C (CA) Archer B (TX) Gilman B (NY) Myers J (IN) Armey D (TX) Gingrich N (GA) Nussle J (IA) Bachus S (AL) Goodlatte R (VA) Oxley M (OH) Baker B (CA) Goodling B (PA) Packard R (CA) Baker R (LA) Goss P (FL) Paxon B (NY) Ballenger C (NC) Grams R (MN) Petri T (WI) Barrett B (NE) Grandy F (IA) Pombo R (CA) Bartlett R (MD) Greenwood J (PA) Porter J (IL) Barton J (TX) Hancock M (MO) Portman R (OH) Bateman H (VA) Hansen J (UT) Pryce D (OH) Bentley H (MD) Hastert D (IL) Quillen J (TN) Bereuter D (NE) Hefley J (CO) Quinn J (NY) Bilirakis M (FL) Herger W (CA) Ramstad J (MN) Bliley T (VA) Hobson D (OH) Ravenel A (SC) Boehner J (OH) Hoekstra P (MI) Regula R (OH) Bonilla H (TX) Hoke M (OH) Ridge T (PA) Bunning J (KY) Horn S (CA) Roberts P (KS) Burton D (IN) Huffington M (CA) Rogers H (KY) Buyer S (IN) Hunter D (CA) Ros-Lehtinen I (FL) Callahan S (AL) Hutchinson T (AR) Roukema M (NJ) Calvert K (CA) Hyde H (IL) Royce E (CA) Camp D (MI) Inglis B (SC) Santorum R (PA) Canady C (FL) Inhofe J (OK) Saxton H (NJ) Castle M (DE) Istook E (OK) Schaefer D (CO) Clinger W (PA) Johnson S (TX) Sensenbrenner F (WI) Coble H (NC) Kasich J (OH) Shaw E (FL) Collins M (GA) Kim J (CA) Shuster B (PA) Combest L (TX) King P (NY) Smith B (OR) Cox C (CA) Kingston J (GA) Smith C (NJ) Crane P (IL) Klug S (WI) Smith L (TX) Crapo M (ID) Knollenberg J (MI) Smith N (MI) Cunningham R (CA) Kyl J (AZ) Snowe O (ME) DeLay T (TX) Levy D (NY) Solomon G (NY) Diaz-Balart L (FL) Lewis J (CA) Spence F (SC) Dickey J (AR) Lewis T (FL) Stearns C (FL) Doolittle J (CA) Lightfoot J (IA) Stump B (AZ) Dornan R (CA) Linder J (GA) Sundquist D (TN) Dreier D (CA) Livingston R (LA) Talent J (MO) Duncan J (TN) Machtley R (RI) Taylor C (NC) Dunn J (WA) Manzullo D (IL) Thomas B (CA) Emerson B (MO) McCandless A (CA) Thomas C (WY) Everett T (AL) McCollum B (FL) Upton F (MI) Ewing T (IL) McCrery J (LA) Vucanovich B (NV) Fawell H (IL) McDade J (PA) Walker R (PA) Fields J (TX) McHugh J (NY) Walsh J (NY) Fish H (NY) McInnis S (CO) Weldon C (PA) Fowler T (FL) McKeon H (CA) Wolf F (VA) Franks B (NJ) Meyers J (KS) Young C (FL) Franks G (CT) Mica J (FL) Young D (AK) Gallegly E (CA) Michel R (IL) Zeliff B (NH) Gallo D (NJ) Miller D (FL) Zimmer D (NJ) Gekas G (PA) Molinari S (NY) *** NAYS (167) ****************************************************** DEMOCRATS (152) Abercrombie N (HI) Furse E (OR) Oberstar J (MN) Ackerman G (NY) Gejdenson S (CT) Obey D (WI) Andrews R (NJ) Gephardt R (MO) Olver J (MA) Andrews T (ME) Glickman D (KS) Owens M (NY) Applegate D (OH) Gonzalez H (TX) Pallone F (NJ) Becerra X (CA) Gutierrez L (IL) Pastor E (AZ) Beilenson A (CA) Hamburg D (CA) Payne D (NJ) Berman H (CA) Harman J (CA) Pelosi N (CA) Bishop S (GA) Hastings A (FL) Price D (NC) Blackwell L (PA) Hilliard E (AL) Rangel C (NY) Bonior D (MI) Hinchey M (NY) Reed J (RI) Borski R (PA) Hoagland P (NE) Reynolds M (IL) Brown C (FL) Hochbrueckner G (NY) Richardson B (NM) Brown G (CA) Hoyer S (MD) Rostenkowski D (IL) Bryant J (TX) Hughes W (NJ) Roybal-Allard L (CA) Byrne L (VA) Jacobs A (IN) Rush B (IL) Cantwell M (WA) Jefferson W (LA) Sabo M (MN) Cardin B (MD) Johnson E (TX) Sawyer T (OH) Carr B (MI) Johnston H (FL) Schenk L (CA) Clay W (MO) Kennedy J (MA) Schroeder P (CO) Clayton E (NC) Kennelly B (CT) Schumer C (NY) Clyburn J (SC) Kildee D (MI) Scott R (VA) Coleman R (TX) Klein H (NJ) Serrano J (NY) Collins B (MI) Kopetski M (OR) Sharp P (IN) Collins C (IL) Kreidler M (WA) Skaggs D (CO) Condit G (CA) Lantos T (CA) Slaughter L (NY) Coppersmith S (AZ) LaRocco L (ID) Smith N (IA) Coyne W (PA) Lehman R (CA) Stark P (CA) DeFazio P (OR) Levin S (MI) Stokes L (OH) DeLauro R (CT) Lewis J (GA) Strickland T (OH) Dellums R (CA) Long J (IN) Studds G (MA) Deutsch P (FL) Lowey N (NY) Swift A (WA) Dicks N (WA) Maloney C (NY) Synar M (OK) Dixon J (CA) Margolies-Mezv M (PA) Thompson B (MS) Dooley C (CA) Markey E (MA) Thurman K (FL) Durbin R (IL) Martinez M (CA) Torres E (CA) Edwards D (CA) Matsui R (CA) Torricelli R (NJ) Engel E (NY) McCloskey F (IN) Towns E (NY) English K (AZ) McDermott J (WA) Unsoeld J (WA) Eshoo A (CA) McKinney C (GA) Velazquez N (NY) Evans L (IL) Meehan M (MA) Vento B (MN) Farr S (CA) Meek C (FL) Visclosky P (IN) Fazio V (CA) Menendez R (NJ) Washington C (TX) Fields C (LA) Mfume K (MD) Waters M (CA) Filner B (CA) Miller G (CA) Watt M (NC) Fingerhut E (OH) Mineta N (CA) Wheat A (MO) Flake F (NY) Mink P (HI) Woolsey L (CA) Foglietta T (PA) Moran J (VA) Wyden R (OR) Ford H (TN) Nadler J (NY) Wynn A (MD) Ford W (MI) Natcher W (KY) Yates S (IL) Frank B (MA) Neal R (MA) INDEPENDENTS (1) Sanders B (VT) REPUBLICANS (14) Blute P (MA) Johnson N (CT) Rohrabacher D (CA) Boehlert S (NY) Kolbe J (AZ) Schiff S (NM) Gilchrest W (MD) Lazio R (NY) Shays C (CT) Gunderson S (WI) Leach J (IA) Torkildsen P (MA) Houghton A (NY) Morella C (MD) *** NOT VOTING (15) ****************************************************** DEMOCRATS (11) Bacchus J (FL) ? Laughlin G (TX) ? Sisisky N (VA) ? Conyers J (MI) ? Minge D (MN) ? Waxman H (CA) ? Dingell J (MI) ? Moakley J (MA) ? Williams P (MT) ? Foley T (WA) S Pickle J (TX) ? INDEPENDENTS (0) REPUBLICANS (4) Henry P (MI) ? Roth T (WI) ? Skeen J (NM) ? McMillan A (NC) ? KEY -- Special Categories of Not Voting # Paired For X Paired Against + Announced For - Announced Against P Voted Present C Voted Present to avoid possible conflict of interest. S Speaker exercised discretion not to vote ? Did not vote or make position known