Date: Wed, 28 Sep 1994 11:08:36 -0600 From: CENDO RICHARD Subject: "Gay Group Applauds Recent Comments By Top Conservatives" Contact: Rick Cendo Spokesperson GLAIL 303-440-5055 GAY GROUP APPLAUDS RECENT COMMENTS BY TOP CONSERVATIVES --Benson governorship shown to hurt state morals-- DENVER, Sept. 28, 1994 -- Gays and Lesbians Against Immoral Lifestyles (GLAIL) today applauded recent comments by leading social conservative Bill Bennett. In a speech to the Christian Coalition, Bennett criticized family-values-style groups for their obsession with homosexuals and called on these groups to focus on the real threat to American families: divorce. GLAIL also renewed its call on Colorado For Family Values to stand up against adultery, fornication and divorce by condemning the candidacy and lifestyle of gubernatorial candidate Bruce Benson. In recent comments, the leading conservative Bill Bennett, author of "Book of Virtues," told the Christian Coalition, "If you look in terms of damage to the children of America, you cannot compare what the homosexual movement, the gay rights movmement, has dome to what divorce has done to this society." These comments were published yesterday by the [Boulder] Daily Camera in a syndicated column by John Leo. The column was about the growing realization among social conservatives that divorce must be restigmatized in order to lower child illegitimacy, break the cycle of poverty, and save American families. "Bennett has it right," said Rick Cendo, spokesperson for Gays and Lesbians Against Immoral Lifestyles. "The casual acceptance of diverce has been and is the deadly threat to American families. Gays don't threaten families; self-indulgent, irresponsible adulterers and divercers like Bruce Benson do. It's time for everyone who truly cares about the security of children and the stability6 of familes to stand up and tell Bruce Benson that he shouldn't be trying to legitimize his immoral lifestyle by running for governor." "Benson doesn't belong in the Governor's Mansion," Cendo said. "He beleongs in therapy, trying to repair his marriage with the mother of his children and trying to confront his obvious drinking problem." Cendo said that Kevin Tebedo and Will Perkins of Colorado For Family Values have not yet responded to his plea to condemn Bruce Benson for his family-wrercking lifestyle. CFV's office, however, confirmed yesterday that it received Cendo's faxed letter and distributed copies to Tebedo and Perkins. "We hop and pray that CFV will do the right thing," Cendo said. "By remaining silent about the Benson lifestyle, Colorado For Family Vlaues is sending the message that adultery and divorce are OK, that they're not a threat to the family."