Date: Fri, 4 Nov 1994 14:31:54 -0500 (EST) From: ESTESWL@RASCAL.GUILFORD.EDU (WHAT HAD TIME TO SAY TO THIS? WHAT COULD SPACE PROVE?) Subject: reception for lgb mathematicians and their friends From: Don Goldberg Reception for Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Mathematicians and their friends. There will be a reception for lesbians, gays, and bisexuals (and their friends) attending the 1995 joint mathematics meetings of the American Mathematical Society and the Mathematical Association of America in San Francisco. The reception will take place on Friday, January 6, 1995, from 5:00 to 7:00 pm, at The Iron Horse, 19 Maiden Lane, near Union Square, a short walk from the conference headquarters hotel. This will be a "no host" reception. A volunteer committee has organized the reception in the wake of the decision by the AMS and MAA governing bodies to relocate the 1995 meetings from Denver after the antigay Amendment 2 was adopted in Colorado in 1992. The organizers share the belief that this is an appropriate time for gay, lesbian, and bisexual mathematicians to establish a visible presence within the profession. The steering committee which has organized the reception consists of Robert Bryant (Duke University), Don Goldberg (Occidental College), Concha Gomez (University of California Berkeley), Steven Hillion (University of California Berkeley), Jim Humphreys (University of Massachusetts at Amherst), Nadine Kowalsky (Institute for Advanced Study), Janet Ray (Seattle Central Community College), and Sandra Rhoades (Smith College). For further information on the reception, please send e-mail to ""