Date: Sun, 18 Jun 2000 19:40:58 EDT Subject: GPAC ACTION ALERT-- HATE CRIMES BILL TO BE VOTED ON THIS WEEK From: GenderPAC 332 Bleecker St., #K-86, NY, NY 10014 212-645-2686 -- Action@GPAC Special Online Edition -- June 18, 2000 ======================================= TAKE ACTION! TAKE ACTION! TAKE ACTION! ======================================= HATE CRIMES DEBATE ON MONDAY & VOTE ON TUESDAY: CONTACT YOUR SENATORS NOW!! The Hate Crimes Prevention Act (HCPA) will allow prosecutors to ask for enhanced penalties in murders like that of Matthew Shepard where the motivation is the victim's sexual or gender orientation, and it **could** also allow Federal prosecutors to step in cases like the murder of Brandon Teena, where local authorities fail or refuse to act. The Senate has agreed to debate HCPA Monday, June 19 and then to vote on it on Tuesday, June 20 at 3:15 PM (EDT). Contact your Senators and tell them we need hate crimes legislation. Tell them to vote YES! on the Hate Crimes Prevention Act. Don't have your Senators' fax, phone or email? Click onto GenderPAC's new CongressNotes and get all the information you need: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Action@GPAC is GenderPAC's call to action. GenderPAC's action alerts are sent out to everyone on our e-mailing list on a regular basis. Our action alerts will give brief summaries of gender news from around the country with an option to participate in a coordinated effort to take action. Gender Public Advocacy Coalition (GenderPAC) is the national organization working to guarantee every American's civil right to express their gender free from stereotypes, discrimination and violence. ------- To be removed from this list, send an e-mail to with the following text in the message body (without the quotes or brackets): "unsubscribe action []"