ACTIVIST ALERT, October, 1993 National Gay and Lesbian Task Force 1734 14th St, N.W. Washington, DC 202-332-6483 (info from the Media Access Project, a cooperating organization) There is pending legislation to reinstate the "Fairness Doctrine" that requires broadcasters to cover controversial issues of public importance and to provide balance in their overall programming on those issues. The Media Access Project asks you to support the legislation (HR 1985/S 333) for several reasons. The Fairness Doctrine insures that opposing views are adequately covered in response to large advertising campaigns supporting one side of a ballot issue, and it provides a candidate a right to reply to negative political advertising provided by independent expenditure groups and a right to reply to appearances by supporters of a candidate. Conservative radio talk show hosts are spearheading an effort to defeat the doctrine. You can help by calling your Senators and Representative today, and by distributing the notice through your own networks. For more information, call Gigi Sohn at Media Access Project, 202-232-4300.