Date: Thu, 16 May 1996 10:57:03 -0400 From: Kim Byham DIR OF COMM Subject: Integrity Press Release INTEGRITY P.O. Box 5255 New York, NY 10185-5255 CONTACT: Kim Byham Office: (212) 468-6136 Home: (201) 868-2485 Fax: (212) 468-6272 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE HEADLINE: INTEGRITY'S REACTION TO DECISION Wilmington, Delaware -- May 15, 1996 A Statement by the National Board of Integrity, Inc. Now is the time for mutual reconciliation and healing. . Integrity, Inc., the lesbian and gay justice ministry of the Episcopal Church, is deeply grateful that the Church has listened to the Holy Spirit and has reaffirmed the inclusivity of the Gospel. The judgment also reaffirms the historical inclusivity of Anglicanism. The decision to dismiss the charges against the Rt. Rev. Walter Righter for both alleged heresy and his alleged violation of his ordination vows is amply supported by the Canons of the Episcopal Church. We rejoice with Bishop Righter and his wife Nancy, long-time Integrity members, who have borne the pain of these charges at heavy personal price. We rejoice with the Rev. Barry Stopfel, also an Integrity member, and his partner, Will Lecke, who have faced the charges in a more personal way but collectively with hundreds of other lesbian and gay Episcopal priests. We rejoice with the Episcopal Church, and hope that the decision will aid in evangelism by our church, not only in the lesbian and gay community, but in the broader community as well, especially among the young, who long to see a loving church reaching out to their complex world. The church is now in a position to fully embrace the ministry of its lesbian and gay clergy. We reaffirm our support for historical Anglican inclusiveness -- a church that allows a diversity of opinion -- and we hope that we will be able to continue in mutual ministry with those who have opposed us. There is so much more that unites than divides us. -30-