Date: Sat, 08 Apr 2000 12:04:25 -0400 From: Interfaith Working Group Subject: IWG Washington Post religious liberty letter April 7, 2000 The Washington Post 1150 15th Street NW Washington, DC 20071 Dear Editors: Thank you for the April 3 article about Al-Fatiha (the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender Muslim group). Religious liberty, no matter how imperfectly it may be practiced, is one of the great strengths of our nation. We should be proud that more than two-hundred years after the ratification of the First Amendment, this is still a country where religious minorities can freely associate, organize and practice their faiths. Sincerely, Barbara Lamond Purdom Christopher Purdom Interfaith Working Group Coordinators The above letter was sent on IWG letterhead listing 19 congregations and religious organizations and 64 clergy from 16 religious traditions. Read our introduction to religious liberty: -- Interfaith Working Group PO Box 11706 Philadelphia, PA 19101 voice: 215-235-3050 fax: 215-232-0829