Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2000 23:26:23 -0400 From: Interfaith Working Group Subject: IWG Salt Lake City Boy Scouts letter July 20, 2000 The Salt Lake Tribune PO Box 867 Salt Lake City, UT 84110 Dear Editors: In his July 16 column Dean Byrd writes: `...homosexual conduct is inconsistent with...a value system that is grounded in Judeo-Christian morality.' It is not clear what constitutes `homosexual conduct' in the case of James Dale, since he was kicked out of the Scouts for exercising his rights of free speech and free association, not for sexual activity. But regardless of how one defines it, there is no consistent moral position on sexual orientation among the many Jewish and Christian religious traditions, including many congregations that both sponsor Boy Scout troops and support equal rights for sexual minorities. Sincerely, Barbara Lamond Purdom Christopher Purdom Interfaith Working Group Coordinators The above letter was sent on IWG letterhead listing 22 congregations and religious organizations and 65 clergy from 16 religious traditions. You can show your support by wearing an Interfaith Working Group shirt: -- Interfaith Working Group PO Box 11706 Philadelphia, PA 19101 voice: 215-235-3050 fax: 215-232-0829