Date: Sat, 08 Apr 2000 11:58:37 -0400 From: Interfaith Working Group Subject: IWG Iowa State Daily letter April 7, 2000 The Iowa State Daily 108 Hamilton Hall Ames, IA 50011 Dear Editors: The Rev. Donald Spitz's interpretation of Leviticus is incongruously violent coming from the director of an organization with `pro-life' in the name; it is also not as generally accepted or obvious as he implies. We hope that sexual minorities will not conclude that Rev. Spitz's views are representative of Christianity or the larger community of faith, which includes many congregations that welcome and affirm gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people and their families. Sincerely, Barbara Lamond Purdom Christopher Purdom Interfaith Working Group Coordinators The above letter was sent on IWG letterhead listing 19 congregations and religious organizations and 64 clergy from 16 religious traditions. Would you like to start an Interfaith Working Group in your area? -- Interfaith Working Group PO Box 11706 Philadelphia, PA 19101 voice: 215-235-3050 fax: 215-232-0829