Subject: IWG Inquirer/Hyde letter Date: Thu, 25 Jul 1996 00:23:02 -0400 (EDT) From: Chris Purdom The following went out on IWG letterhead listing 2 congregations, 5 religious organizations and 35 clergy from 12 faiths and denominations. If you are in the general Philadelphia area and represent a congregation or religious organization or are clergy, let us know if you want to be added - all faiths are welcome. We will also be happy to help start similar organizations in other areas. Visit the web page at or July 24, 1996 The Philadelphia Inquirer PO Box 8263 Phila., PA 19101 Dear Editors: Henry Hyde's reported comments on his proposed religious Constitutional amendment reveal his true intent. Hyde, who has proposed four Constitutional amendments this year, claimed that the amendment would help children who aren't allowed to exercise their religion in school. However, in public school students may pray (privately), wear religious attire, write papers about their faith in a deity, express their beliefs in class, and be taught about religion. The misconception that these activities are not permitted can be solved through education; a constitutional amendment is unnecessary. Hyde's true agenda is revealed when he says that the amendment will also help churches who want federal money to help the poor. If government assistance programs are shifted to the churches we will be faced with the prospect of families in poverty forced to participate in religious functions which they may find personally objectionable just in order to receive sustenance and shelter. The potential for mass religious coercion should raise more red flags than an occasional uninformed teacher forbidding a student to write a paper on a religious subject. Sincerely, Barbara Purdom Christopher Purdom Interfaith Working Group Coordinators